Payables Management Interview Preparation Guide

Enhance your Payables Management interview preparation with our set of 36 carefully chosen questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Payables Management expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Access the free PDF to get all 36 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Payables Management interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

36 Payables Management Questions and Answers:

1 :: The Final technical authority of a project lies with:
A. Assistant Engineer
B. Executive Engineer
C. Superintending Engineer
D. Chief Engineer

D. Chief Engineer
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2 :: Performance of a specific task in CPM, is known:
A. Dummy
B. Event
C. Activity
D. Contract

C. Activity

3 :: Construction team means:
A. an engineer
B. an architect
C. an owner
D. a contractor
E. all the abov

E. all the above

4 :: CPM is a:
A. synthesizing in concepts
B. is built of activities oriented program
C. is based on time estimate
D. is used for repetitive works
E. all the above

E. all the above

5 :: Construction schedule is prepared after collecting:
A. number of operations
B. output of labor
C. output of machinery
D. quantity of various items
E. all the above

E. all the above
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6 :: Dummy activity:
A. is artificially introduced
B. is represented by a dotted line
C. does not consume time
D. all the above

D. all the above

7 :: The Military organisation is known as:
A. line organisation
B. line and staff organisation
C. functional organisation
D. none of these

A. line organisation

8 :: Completion of activity on CPM network diagram, is generally known:
A. Event
B. Node
C. Connector
D. All the above.

D. All the above

9 :: Milestone chart:
A. shows the inter-dependencies of various jobs
B. depicts the delay of jobs, if any
C. points outgoing ahead of schedule of jobs, if any
D. none of these.

D. none of these

10 :: Pick up correct statement from the following:
A. The float may be positive, zero or negative
B. If the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project is not delayed
C. If the float of an activity is negative, delay in its performance is bound to delay the completion of project
D. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the whole project
E. All the above.

E. All the above
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