Paralegal Interview Questions & Answers
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Refine your Paralegal interview skills with our 50 critical questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Paralegal expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 50 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Paralegal interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

50 Paralegal Questions and Answers:

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Paralegal Job Interview Questions and Answers
Paralegal Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How do you check your work for accuracy?

I am an individual with high attention to detail. I check and recheck my work continuously and make sure that there are no errors.

2 :: Why should we hire you for this job as Paralegal?

I am a dedicated paralegal professional with law education and ample experience in the field. I posses all the core competencies needed for the routine legal assistance tasks and am proficient in legal research and report writing as well.

3 :: Why did you leave your last job as Paralegal?

I enjoyed my job a lot and it provided me with great opportunities to learn. However it was limited to family law and I wanted to broaden my horizons in the law field.

4 :: Tell me about a time you had to interact with a difficult client?

You represent the company to the public and your ability to act professionally at all times is important. Discuss the specific techniques you use to handle a difficult interaction including staying calm, getting all the necessary facts and information, discussing options and coming to agreement.

5 :: Why should we consider you to be the right person for this job?

I am confident that I possess the legal educational background, the experience and the skills that this job demands. I believe I am much above in these areas as far as other contenders for this job is concerned as I possess excellent research skills along with a profound ability to work in a fast paced environment.

6 :: Are you comfortable working for the defense of suspected criminals?

You might be put in a position where a client is guilty or suspected of a crime that conflicts with your personal ethics, however the interviewer must ensure that won't affect your work.

"Our job is to provide high quality legal services and I believe everyone deserves to be represented equally, regardless of the alleged charges. I pride myself on my level of diplomacy. At the end of the day, I have a job to complete so I would never let personal feelings cloud my professional judgment."

7 :: How do you manage your research work considering there is so much to look through?

I have been trained to first comprehend the topic I am researching and to then look for resources. I am familiar with most legal books that hold pertinent information and have the knowledge of how to look through them for precedents and information.

8 :: Describe to me a time when you had to deal with a difficult client?

A Paralegal is the face of the company and during this time professionalism is required.

You should tell the interviewer about specific techniques you used when handling a difficult client and how you stayed calm. At the same time explain how you were able to get all the necessary facts and information, discussing options and coming to an agreement.

9 :: Tell me about your experience dealing with confidential and sensitive information?

A paralegal needs to use tact and diplomacy when dealing with sensitive and confidential issues and situations. Provide a specific example.

10 :: Tell us about a time you had to handle a difficult client?

There was an instance when a client we figured to be lying wanted to make us believe otherwise. It was a sensitive case and we couldn't be too careful. He would come in to the office and threaten us when the office refused to take his case. He almost made it into a hostage situation when he tried abducting one of the secretaries. I took over the situation and calmly convinced him to leave.

11 :: Give me an example of having to organize large volumes of data in order to prepare a report by a tight deadline?

A paralegal must research and analyze volumes of data in order to prepare written reports and summaries. They also have to be able to work under pressure. Describe the steps you took, using a specific example, to identify key issues from a base of information. Highlight how you applied relevant legal principals to the facts in your analysis of the information.

12 :: What are the main components of a case file and what steps are carried out to file a case?

Case filing is an intricate task, it involves case summarizing, material collection and organization, law research, witness scheduling and team case review reports.
Legal assistants need to be very organized and possess excellent research skills. Since they work with paperwork a lot, their communication skills and the ability to maintain confidential information need to be above par.
It's a paralegals job to make clear coherent decision independently. This includes getting all the required information and essential facts. It's then the paralegals job to choose the best alternative decision, while focusing on a logical and systematic decision-making process.

You should demonstrate all the above to the interviewer
As a paralegal you need to be able to make sound decisions independently. Steps include gathering all relevant information and pertinent facts, generating and exploring good alternatives, selecting the best alternative and checking the decision. Focus on presenting a logical and systematic decision-making process.

16 :: Do you have any experience in dealing with confidential information? If yes, how well did you manage it?

Being a trained legal assistant I fully understand the importance of confidentiality in legal proceedings and know that even the minor details of any case should be kept confidential. I have always maintained case confidentiality during my work experience and my previous employer can testify the same.
My skills, training and experience in client litigation, law research, legal administration skills and expertise in maintaining functional client relationships render me a suitable candidate for the position

18 :: Availability based Paralegal Interview Question:

► Are you available to work overtime?
► Are you available to travel?
► Can you complete this temporary assignment by the deadline?
► How much notice will you give your present employer?
► When are you available to start a position?
► Can you start any sooner?
► When do you graduate?
► Are you available for work before graduation?
► Can you relocate?
► Are you available for training in our corporate office?
► Are you available to meet with the rest of the staff on Tuesday?
► Are you available next week for a second interview/lunch with colleagues?
► What is the structure of the firm or in-house legal department?
► Who is the person paralegals report to?
► How long has the firm/legal department used paralegals?
► What is the history of the firm/company?
► How many attorneys are in the practice specialty?
► What is the ratio of paralegals to attorneys?
► What are the practice specialties of the firm/legal department?
► How many employees does the firm/corporation have?
► Do paralegals work with senior partners?
► How are paralegals assigned work?
► Is the paralegal program a profit center?
► What are the number of required billable hours?
► Does the firm/corporation handle pro bono work?
► If so, are paralegals involved?
► Does the firm/corporation have branch offices? If so, where?
► What is the firm's philosophy regarding technology?
► Are paralegals responsible for administrative time? If so, what kinds of duties are involved?
► Will I have an office?
► Tell me about secretarial support for paralegals.

20 :: Past Employment based Paralegal Interview Question:

► Tell me about your past position. What were your responsibilities?
► Why are you leaving your present position?
► Why did you leave your past positions?
► Describe your current responsibilities.
► How does your current/past position relate to the paralegal field?
► To whom did you report?
► What do you enjoy most about your current position?
► Were you required to bill time in your past position? If so, what were the requirements?
► Why were you downsized? Laid-off?
► What would past employers say about you?
► Are you accustomed to working overtime?
► Tell me about your toughest project and how you handled it.
► Describe a typical assignment from your last position.
► Does your present employer know you are leaving?
► Were you responsible for training/supervising anyone?
► Why do you want to change professions?
► Who can we contact for professional references?
► How did you get along with your boss? Coworkers?
► Tell me about your last performance review.
► Why do you want to work here?
► Why should we hire you over other candidates?
► What do you know about our firm/company?
► When can you start a position?
► What would you like to be doing in five years?
► Have you ever written any articles/taught courses?
► Your resume reflects a two-year gap. Did you work during that period?

21 :: Paralegals in the Firm/Corporation based Interview Question:

► How many paralegals are in the firm/corporation?
► Have paralegals been promoted into other positions within the firm/corporation?
► How many attorneys or paralegals have been promoted to vice president in this company?
► Do paralegals meet on a regular basis?
► Are paralegals included in department meetings? Client meetings?
► Who supervises the paralegal's work?
► Where do I go if I have questions?
► How do paralegals receive assignments?
► Do paralegals use the Internet?
► Do paralegals perform legal research?
► Do paralegals draft documents in this firm/corporation?
► Does the firm/corporation offer continuing education or in-house training?
► Do paralegals attend trial?
► Do paralegals attend depositions?
► Do paralegals have access to secretaries or word-processing support?
► Does the firm/corporation have a litigation support department?
► Does the legal department work separately from other departments in this company?
► Can you tell me how paralegals receive updated information regarding laws, technology and clients?
► Does each paralegal have a computer?
► Can you describe the culture of the firm?
► What are the long-term plans of the firm/corporation?
► Has the level of paralegal assignments progressed over the years?
► What is the average tenure of the paralegals here?
► Does the firm have a career path for its paralegals?

22 :: Creativity and Initiative based Paralegal Interview Question:

► Tell me how you handled the most boring assignment you've ever been given.
► What would you do if you were handed an assignment you didn't know how to complete?
► What makes a paralegal successful?
► Describe an assignment where you took the initiative.
► If you were in a situation where work was trickling in, what would you do?
► If you were in a situation where the volume of work was overwhelming, what would you do?
► How do you motivate a team?
► How do you go about making important decisions?
► Can you work without direct supervision?
► What process do you use when faced with a job-related problem?

23 :: Position based Paralegal Interview Question:

► Can you describe a typical assignment?
► Can you describe a typical day in the life of a paralegal in this position?
► Does the position have a full pipeline of work?
► How many attorneys and paralegals will I work with?
► Why is this position open?
► How many paralegals have held this position in the past 5 years?
► What are the computer skills required for this position?
► If the senior partners retire, does the firm continue on?
► What do you expect this paralegal to accomplish?
► Will I cross-train in other practice areas of the firm?
► What access do paralegals have to word processing?
► What access do paralegals have to the law library?
► How long has this position been open?
► What are the precise characteristics to be a successful candidate?
► What is the skill level required for this position?
► What software packages will I be expected to know?
► Does the firm/corporation have a structured paralegal program?
► What is the hiring process?
► Would you like a writing sample?
► Does the firm have a training program for entry-level paralegals?
► Is the relationship between managing partners and paralegals favorable?
► What are the most important duties in this position?
► What causes a paralegal to fail in this position?
► How is my performance evaluated?
► What opportunities are there for advancement?
► I have some interests outside work. Will I be able to pursue these after hours?
► Do you have any other questions regarding my qualifications for this position?
► Since I will be working with (five) attorneys, is there a formalized policy for prioritizing the work?
► Will I have client contact?
► What are the most important goals of this position?
► When will you make a hiring decision?
► Does the paralegal in this position have an office?

24 :: Temporary Employees and Assignments based Paralegal Interview Question:

► Are you seeking full-time (permanent) employment?
► Can you commit to the end of the assignment?
► Can you work overtime?
► What are your computer skills?
► Have you ever worked in a temporary position?
► What skills do you have for this position?
► Do you take direction well?
► What hourly rate are you seeking?
► When does your current assignment end?
► What guarantees do we have that you'll finish the assignment?
► Do you need an office?
► Can you manage others?
► Are you available on the weekends?
► What agency do you work with?
► Can you start tomorrow?
► Describe an instance where you were required to make an important decision related to a temporary assignment. How did you handle it?
► Have you ever had an assignment like this before?
► Can you travel to the document production site?
► Can you get here on time?
► When is your time card due?
► Who is supposed to sign your time card?
► What would you do if you completed your assignment early?
► What would you do if you didn't understand the assignment?

25 :: Basic Paralegal Interview Questions:

► Describe your day to day tasks at your last paralegal job.
► How do you think your experiences will best benefit our legal department?
► How has your education prepared you to work in the criminal justice system?
► What methods do you use to organize and review legal documents?
► What do you consider to be the most important skills in an effective paralegal?
► What experience have you had drafting legal documents?
► Give me an example of a time you used excellent written communication skills.
► How comfortable are you dealing with confidential information?
► How comfortable are you working for the defense of suspected criminals?
► What do you do to ensure accuracy in your daily work?
► What do you know about this law firm?
► Have you had experience with any Case Management Software?
► How well do you handle stress?
► Why did you decide to become a paralegal?
► What are your future plans?
Paralegal Interview Questions and Answers
50 Paralegal Interview Questions and Answers