Ophthalmology Interview Preparation Guide

Strengthen your Ophthalmology interview skills with our collection of 61 important questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Ophthalmology to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Get the free PDF download to access all 61 questions and excel in your Ophthalmology interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

61 Ophthalmology Questions and Answers:

1 :: The following are true about cerebrospinal fluid:

* a) It is found in the space between the pia mater and the arachnoid
* b) The normal amount in human being is about 500 ml
* c) With the body lying in lateral horizontal position, the normal intracranial pressure is about 100 ml of water
* d) Only, the lateral ventricle contains choroidal plexus, which secrete cerebrospinal fluid
* e) Cerebrospinal fluid contains the same concentration of glucose as the blood

Answer a. T b. F .T d. F e. F
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2 :: True statement about the facial nerve includes:

* a) Its nucleus is in the floor of the fourth ventricle
* b) Its fibres reach the surface of the brain in the cerebellopontine angle
* c) Transmits taste fibres for the anterior half of the tongue
* d) Gives the deep petrosal nerve as branch to the sphenopalatine ganglion
* e) Has a sensory component that supplies the outer ear

Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. T

3 :: The optic chiasm:

* a) Forms the floor of the recess of the third ventricle
* b) is inferior to the medial root of the olfactory tract
* c) Has the internal carotid artery as its immediate lateral relation
* d) Has the mamillary bodies lying immediately posterior to it
* e) Is in close relation to the oculomotor nerve inferiorly

Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. F

4 :: The cells of the retinal pigment epithelium:

* a) Are of mesenchymal origin
* b) Are shorter at the fovea than else where in the retina
* c) Have intracellular melanosomes
* d) Regenerate visual pigment
* e) Form the inner outer blood-retina barrier

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. T e. F

5 :: With regard to the lacrimal drainage system:

* a) The upper lacrimal punctum is lateral to the lower punctum
* b) The lacrimal canaliculi are lined by stratified squamous epithelium
* c) nasolacrimal duct is narrowest at the lowest end
* d) nasolacrimal duct runs downwards, lateral and forwards to the anterior part of inferior meatus
* e) Congenital blockage is due mainly to delay development of common canaliculus

Answer a. T b. T c. F d. F e. F
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6 :: The following are true about lacrimal gland:

* a) The palpebral part drains into the superior conjunctival fornix through 12 ducts
* b) The palpebral part of the gland is 1/3 the size of the orbital part
* c) Excision of palpebral but no the orbital part abolish the tear secretion by the gland
* d) It receives secretomotor nerve from the third cranial nerve
* e) The lymphatic drainage is to parotid gland

Answer a. T b. T c. F d. F e. T

7 :: The globe:

* a) Is closer to the orbital floor than the roof
* b) Is closer to the lateral wall of the orbital cavity than to medial wall
* c) Has a vertical diameter less than the anteroposterior diameter
* d) Has an anterior segment which form 1/4 of the circumference
* e) is least protected laterally

Answer a. F b. T c. T d. F e. T

8 :: The vitreous:

* a) Is firmly attached to the pars plana
* b) Has a high concentration of hyaluronic acid
* c) Is a hydrogel with a water content of 80%
* d) Contains calcium in asteroid hyalosis
* e) Contains collagen which is mainly type II

Answer a. T b. T c. F d. T e. T

9 :: The cornea:

* a) is thicker centrally than peripherally
* b) Contains 10,000 endothelium cells per square mm at birth
* c) Has an acellular collagenous stroma
* d) Contain Descemet's membrane is produced by the endothelium
* e) Has a refractive index of 1.38

Answer a. F b. F c. F d. T e. T

10 :: The nasociliary nerve supplies:

* a) The sphenoidal sinus
* b) ethmoidal sinus
* c) Cornea
* d) lacrimal sac
* e) Dilator pupillae

Answer a. T b. T c. T d. T e. T
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