Mobile Application Architect Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Mobile Application Architect interview preparation with our curated set of 53 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Mobile Application Architect interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Get the free PDF download to access all 53 questions and excel in your Mobile Application Architect interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

53 Mobile Application Architect Questions and Answers:

Mobile Application Architect Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Mobile Application Architect Job Interview Questions and Answers
Mobile Application Architect Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me what are MT and MO in SMS?

Sending message is known as MO (Message originate) and receiving the message is known as MT(Message Terminate)

2 :: Tell me mobile automation testing tools you know?

Paid tools:
Ranorex, Silk Mobile, SeeTest

Free tools:
Appium, Robotium, KIF, Calabash

3 :: Explain what web services are used by mobile app?

They are many depend upon the application. SOAP and REST web services are used but RESRful is more common now.

4 :: Explain how to create Emulator on Android?

Give a name in name field -> select target API from the list -> enter the size -> select the required skin section -> click on create AVD -> select the required AVD -> click on start button -> launch it

5 :: Tell me what is GPRS and how it works?

GPRS is General Packet Radio Service which works on mobile network with the help of IP transmissions. GPRS provides the transmission of IP packets over existing cellular networks. It provides you internet services on mobile.

7 :: Tell us does Selenium support Google Android Operating System?

Yes, Selenium 2.0 supports Android Operating System.

8 :: Do you know what is WAP?

WAP is Wireless Application Protocol used in network apps.

9 :: Tell me does Selenium support mobile internet testing?

Yes it does, Opera browser is used for Mobile internet testing.

10 :: List down some mobile application testing tools?

Android Lint
Find Bugs
Clang Static Analyzer
Analyze code from XCode

12 :: Do you know what is web service?

It is a component used in software to perform the task. It is like an interface between one program to another.

13 :: Explain why mobile phone has 10 digit numbers?

The number of digits in a mobile phone number decide the maximum mobile phones we can have without dialing the country code.

14 :: Tell me what is the latest version of iOS?

iOS 8. (This changes quite often, so please check the apple site for most recent info)

16 :: Tell me what are the tools based on cloud based mobile testing?

Seetest, Perfecto Mobile, BlazeMeter, AppThwack, Manymo, DeviceAnywhere etc.

17 :: Tell me what are the common challenges in mobile application testing?

Working on different operating systems, variety of handsets, different networks, variety of screen size.

18 :: Tell me how to test CPU usage on mobile devices?

There are various tools available in the market like google play or app store from where you can install apps like CPU Monitor, Usemon, CPU Stats, CPU-Z etc these are an advanced tool which records historical information about processes running on your device.

23 :: Tell me what is the latest version of Android?

Lollipop 5.0-5.0.2 (also changes often).

25 :: Explain what are the defects tracking tools used for mobile testing?

You can use same testing tool which you use for web application testing like QC, Jira, Rally and Bugzilla etc.
Mobile Application Architect Interview Questions and Answers
53 Mobile Application Architect Interview Questions and Answers