Microsoft Windows Interview Preparation Guide

Enhance your Windows interview preparation with our set of 76 carefully chosen questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Windows to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 76 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Windows interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
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76 Windows Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is the Difference between Windows 2003 standard Enterprise, Premium, Data center and Web Edition?


To position windows server 2003 more competitively against other web servers, Microsoft has released a
stripped-down-yet-impressive edition of windows server 2003 designed specially for web services. the feature set and licensing allows customers easy deployment of web pages, web sites, web applications and web services.
Web Edition supports 2GB of RAM and a two-way symmetric multiprocessor(SMP). It provides unlimited anonymous web connections but only 10 inbound server message block(SMB) connections, which should be more than enough for content
publishing. The server cannot be an internet gateway, DHCP or fax server. Although you can remotely administer the server with Remote Desktop, the server can not be a terminal
server in the traditional sense. The server can belong to a domain, but cannot be a domain controller. The included version of the microsoft SQL server database Engine can support as many as 25 concurrent connections.
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2 :: How do you recover an object in Active Directory, which is accidentally deleted by you, with no backup?

Using ntdsutil.exe command,we can restored the AD objects.

3 :: What is the Logical / Physical Structures of the AD Environment?

physical structure:
Forest, Site, Domain, DC

logical structure:
Schema partition, configuration partition, domain
partition and application partition

4 :: How to change the windows xp product key if wrongly installed with other product key but you have original
product key? What you will do to Make your os as Genuine?

Some third party software are available for this function or reinstall this system

5 :: If 512mb Ram is there what will be the minimum and maximum Virtual memory for the system?

To workout the total virtual memory (page file) required for windows XP you should take the amount of ram in the system and + 25% (512MB + 25% (128MB) = 640MB total virtual memory. by setting both the min and max to 640MB you can increase the performances of the operating system.
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6 :: Ntfldr.exe is missing in win xp os what will you do?

Boot from windows xp cd and go to recovery console mode
give the administrator password
prompt will come
come out from windows with the help of command
c:windows>cd ..

go to cd prompt d:
d:>cd i386
d:i386>copy ntldr c: enter

d:i386>copy c: enter

restart u r computer

problem fix

7 :: What is LDAP?

LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is an Internet protocol that email and other programs use to look up information from a server.

8 :: What is the SYSVOL folder?

The Sysvol folder on a Windows domain controller is used to replicate file-based data among domain controllers. Because junctions are used within the Sysvol folder structure, Windows NT file system (NTFS) version 5.0 is required on domain controllers throughout a Windows distributed file system (DFS) forest.

9 :: What are application partitions? When do we use them?

Application Directory Partition is a partition space in Active Directory which an application can use to store that application specific data. This partition is then replicated only to some specific domain controllers.

The application directory partition can contain any type of data except security principles (users, computers, groups).

10 :: What is the KCC?

With in a Site, a Windows server 2003 service known as the KCC automatically generates a topology for replication among the domain controllers in the domain using a ring structure.Th Kcc is a built in process that runs on all domain controllers.

The KCC analyzes the replication topology within a site every 15 minute to ensure that it still works. If you add or remove a domain controller from the network or a site, the KCC reconfigures the topology to relect the change.
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