Marketing-Competitive Strategy Interview Preparation Guide

Marketing-Competitive Strategy Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. So learn Marketing-Competitive Strategy by this Marketing-Competitive Strategy Interview Questions with Answers guide
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9 Marketing-Competitive Strategy Questions and Answers:

2 :: What is the statement of the organization s purpose?

1. Mission statement
2. Organizational intent
3. Organizational perspective

Answer: Mission statement

3 :: Introducing new products to existing markets is an example of which of the following

1. Concentric diversification
2. Horizontal diversification
3. Conglomerate diversification
4. Vertical diversification

Answer: Horizontal diversification

4 :: The ACME Company sets its marketing budget by estimating the market leader s marketing spends. This approach to setting a budget is called:

1. Percent of sales method
2. Marginal approach
3. Comparative parity method
4. Objective and task method

Answer: Comparative parity method

6 :: Marketing planning occurs at which of the following company levels

1. The product level
2. The market level
3. The business-unit level
4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

7 :: What is difference between strategy and tactics?

1. Strategy reflects medium term objectives.
2. Strategy is about major issues: tactics is about minor issues.
3. Strategy is about overall direction: tactics is about ways of getting there.
4. Strategy is formal, tactics are informal

Answer: Strategy is about overall direction: tactics is about ways of getting there

8 :: Which of the following is not financial objective?

1. Customer loyalty
2. Sales
3. Economic value added
4. Market share

Answer: Customer loyalty

9 :: What is marketing audit?

1. An examination of the costs and expenditures involved in marketing
2. A check on the cost-effectiveness of the firm marketing expenditure
3. A 'snapshot' of the firm's current marketing activities
4. The introduction of a new costing mechanism

Answer: A 'snapshot' of the firm current marketing activities