MBA Interview Preparation Guide

Optimize your MBA interview preparation with our curated set of 21 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any MBA interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF to have all 21 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure youre interview-ready.

21 MBA Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell me what exactly do you look for in a job?

Main thing is job satisfaction without it we cannot work any where and if we gave priority for only money we cannot do our job perfectly.
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2 :: Discuss the challenges of HRM in the present business scenario. Explain why HRM has become more important than ever. Explain with respect to the organization you know about, while describing the organization as well?

The greatest challenge to HRM is employee turnover. This scenario needs Green HR practices to establish long term relationship with employee.

3 :: Explain the importance and the process of job analysis. Describe the methods of job analysis being practiced in an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to?

Job Analysis is the study to understand the technical involvement & the responsibility of the person. Job Analysis helps to understand qualification & knowledge level for the position. job Analysis is the systematic analysis of existing proposed position within an organization. Job Analysis is an essential aspect of HRD & also forming the basis of selection promotion & training of an employee.

4 :: Explain what is a dashboard report?

A dashboard report is a summary of KPIs to give an overview of the state of business expressed through those KPIs at one glance.

5 :: Tell me can you work well under deadlines or pressure?

Yes, I can work. But only thing is you must analyse all problems and its importants. Based the you must give priority to those problems. If you follow this any one can work under deadlines and pressures
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6 :: Discuss the concept of competency mapping. How does it help development of an organization? Explain with the help of example from the organization you are familiar with?

Please share your answers.

7 :: Please tell me what is your greatest weakness?

My greatest weakness is i trust some one very quickly & I can make friendship with some one very easily .

8 :: Please tell me what is your greatest strength?

My greatest strength is i am very cooperative & flexible.I can adjust myself to any situation. I am also very hard working

9 :: Can you explain about GreenHat tool and its features?

Please share your answers.

10 :: Explain why did you choose Business Administration career?

If you take any field, that is depends on its own business or other business. You can't imagine the world with out business.
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