Journalists Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Journalists interview with our extensive list of 49 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Journalists interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF to have all 49 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.

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Journalists Job Interview Questions and Answers
Journalists Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Where does the expression "op-ed" come from and what does it mean?

The op-ed page is the page directly opposite the page that contains that particular newspaper's editorials. It is a forum for views from people, columnists from other papers, readers, and letters to the editor, etc.

2 :: In publishing, what does Volume/Issue/Number refer to, as in Architectural Digest Volume 63/Issue 6/Number 1?

Volume generally refers to the year published, so Column 63 would mean it was the 63rd year a magazine was published. Issue 6 would be the sixth of the year, if it was monthly it would be June bimonthly, December.

3 :: What are tear sheets and clips for copy editors?

You can make color reductions and I am sure they will be acceptable. Journalism graphics majors at our university usually buy large portfolios--at least 12 by 17 to put their design tear sheets. Electronic PDF are becoming more and more acceptable. Some of our students here have made online digital portfolios and put their resumes and all of their tear sheets (article and design) on a website.

4 :: What are reporter credentials? How are credentials obtained?

There is no standard for a reporter's credentials; the only thing I ever had was my employee ID card issued at the time I got the job, and that was always fine. There may be something issued for entertainment or sports journalism, but I do not know those areas.

Some venues may require that you send in a request on corporate letterhead (stationery) for a special event's credentials, but those standards would vary from event to event.

5 :: What is the difference between a Magazine and Newspapers in term of the content of each media?

The simple answer is that newspaper contains news articles and magazines contain feature articles. However, the U.S. has 18,000 magazines and about 4,000 newspapers. In addition, both contain some of both. The main difference is in audience. Newspapers focus on a broad audience of all ages in one specific city or location. Magazines go to a national or international audience who has an interest in a specific subject, such as gardening, photography, Christianity, history, etc. Newspapers are published daily or weekly; magazines are published monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. However, those are generalizations and this kind of question, probably a homework question, escapes simple answers.

6 :: How many photographs are published annually in U.S. print media? Is there a declining or growing market for freelance photography or stock photography?

There is no way of knowing and no one tracks this information. There are 18,000 magazines in the U.S. published at least quarterly (and most monthly), 1,500 daily newspapers, 3,000 weekly newspapers. As far as the second question as to whether there is a growing or declining market for freelance photography--please e-mail one of my colleagues--a professor of photojournalism at Ball State University. He can probably answer this question for you as he has done a considerable amount of freelance photography in his career.

7 :: When a person has information about a news story or information worthy of reporting how do they go about it? Do they set an appointment with a reporter or does the reporter seek them?

You can call your local newspaper and tell whoever answers the telephone that you have information they might be interested in as news.

In the newspapers I worked for, your call would likely be transferred to the City Room, and would be answered on the City Desk by a clerk. The clerk would ask you questions to determine what you had, and what its news value was. Be prepared to answer specific questions about the facts of the story.

8 :: When it comes to working in book and magazine publishing, is it always necessary to be a writer first, then an editor?

No, it is not necessary. There are some different skills required to be a successful editor than to be a successful writer. Of course, there is some overlap. However, many people have fine editing skills that are not necessary great writers. Most entry-level position at magazines is as editorial assistants or assistant editors. Magazines use mostly freelance writers and few of them have full-time writers. Editors in chief need good supervisory and management skills as well.

9 :: What should an "editors note" contain? How does one write it?

An editor's note is usually found in the first several pages of a magazine, and can contain anything from the editor's most recent experiences to his/her opinion on the contents of the magazine. Editor's notes can also contain responses to readers' letters, new research on whatever the subject of the magazine is, event tips.

Editor's notes usually reveal the editor's personality, which makes readers come back for more!

10 :: What effect did the yellow journalism used by Hearst and Pulitzer before and during the Spanish American War?

Yellow Journalism has always had an effect on the way people view different subjects, and how governmental policies are made.

The more sensational the assertion, or outright lie, the more people seem inclined to believe it.

Back in the days of Hurst, and Pulitzer, the media was much less accountable for what it printed, and there were few laws, or rules of conduct for the media to adhere.
Lawyers are held to a code of ethics by law (not that they necessarily follow it). As far as journalists are concern, it is more like a suggested set of guidelines. These days it is very rare to find any kind of ethics in Journalism.

12 :: How should you dress the characters in video journalism movie?

Old woman should be wearing a nice classic dress, with pearls, pearl necklace and earrings, maybe a pillbox hat, shawl very Jackie O, or Queen Elisabeth. Egotistical businesspersons usually wear nice suits, slicked back hair, and cocky stern look on face.

13 :: How does the history of journalism relate to Australias democratic government today?

Australia has always been a democracy and it has always had a free press. The two go hand in hand -- you cannot have a democracy without a free press and you cannot have a free press without democracy.

Are you looking at specific events in Australia's history, with regard to how these events were reported in the Australian press? If so, you will have to be more specific.

14 :: What censorship is there in journalism in your country?

Here is the lowdown for the UK.

1. Censorship exists in many forms in the UK but is about what the paper's think they can get away with.
2. We have no freedom of speech but what has evolved is through Acts of Parliament and court judgments.
3. Government controls what the media can say through a number of ways:

► Restricting information but the Freedom of Information Act has eased this.
► D notices which restrict information if there is security issues.
► Court orders preventing newspapers from publishing stories if they are considered to prejudice a case but only when someone has been charged and trial is proceeding. See the current cash-for-honors scandal where The Guardian got permission to reveal details about an e-mail sent by an aide of Tony Blair.

15 :: What is the difference between journalism and studio television?

Journalism is to Studio Television as Newspapers are to Magazines.

16 :: What is the status of written journalism these days?

I job shadowed a newspaper reporter when I was a senior in high school, him and his boss basically laughed at me because they said that journalism was a dying thing

If you do not necessarily agree with that though, there will always be a need for journalists, whether on newspapers or internet

17 :: What is the difference between Journalism and Professional writing?

They are very similar. Journalists generally write for the public (newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.) Professional writers can write for any kind of business, but normally must have a specific topic to write. Journalism is more general in that you learn how to write for the public. Professional writing is more private because you would likely be doing it about a specific subject and/or for a specific industry.

18 :: What are the problems of investigative journalism?

Among the problems I encountered was finding, gaining access to, & then protecting the identity of sources for inside info. Then you still have to get some type of confirmation the info you have obtained is accurate & verifiable.

Many source documents needed for corroboration are difficult or impossible to gain access to as they are protected by security classification or have been destroyed.

19 :: What is the difference between saying Journalism and Communications?

When you write a letter to someone, you are communicating.

Journalism is someone writes in a newspaper or magazine for the whole world to read.

20 :: What is Yellow Journalism?

It is the practice of over-dramatizing events in order to sell newspapers.

21 :: Why was yellow journalism used?

It is to "Smear" the opposition. To exaggerate news and enrage readers

22 :: What is the modern understanding of the word yellow in the term yellow journalism?

The Journalism favors sensationalism over carefully researched facts.

23 :: Who is the US newspaper magnate who changed the face of journalism with the introduction of sensationalized stories?

That would be William Randolph Hearst with his introduction of Yellow journalism that helped contribute to America and the war with Spain.

24 :: What role did the Apple Macintosh play in graphic journalism, as we know it today?

The Apple Macintosh played a primary role in creating the career of graphic journalism in the mid 1980s. With the introduction of the first Macintosh, artists in newsrooms were able to reduce the time it took to produce illustrations, maps, diagrams, and explanatory graphics, which contributed to the visual display of news, features, and editorials. Proactive newsroom artists were then able to participate in the newsgathering process and then design and produce graphics on deadline.

25 :: Who is the first Asian to snatch Americas Pulitzer Prize in journalism?

Carlos P. Romulo in 1941
Journalists Interview Questions and Answers
49 Journalists Interview Questions and Answers