Tricky Job Control Language (JCL) Interview Preparation Guide
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JCL Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Job Control Language (JCL) is a scripting language used on IBM mainframe operating systems to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem. The term Job Control Language can also be used generically to refer to all languages which perform these functions, such as Burroughs WFL and ICLs OCL. Learn JCL or get preparation for the job of JCL by the help of this JCL Interview Questions with Answers guide

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Tricky  JCL Job Interview Questions and Answers
Tricky JCL Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Why block size is multiple of lrecl in jcl?

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2 :: In SMS datasets, what is the function of the DD AVGREC keyword?

(1) Specifies average length of records in a file

(2) Specifies the multiplier to be used for primary & secondary space allocation

(3) Directs the system to allocate space based on average record length

(4) Specifies word blocking factor

Answer is 2

3 :: If a (+1) generation dataset is created in the first step of a job, how can it be referenced in later steps of the same job for input?

(1) As the (0) generation

(2) As the (+1) generation

(3) As the (-1) generation

(4) Without the generation number

Answer is 2

4 :: What is the function of //CNTL statement?

(1) Marks the beginning of one or more program control statements

(2) Identifies the control card library

(3) Delimits the PROC control statements

(4) None of the above

Answer is 1

5 :: How can the attributes of one SMS dataset be copied to another dataset?

(1) Using DD like parameter

(2) Using DD Copy parameter

(3) Using DD Refer parameter

(4) Attributes cannot be copied within SMS datasets

Answer is 1

6 :: How can a jobs execution priority be modified?

(1) PRIQTY parameter

(2) PRTY parameter

(3) JOBCLASS parameter

(4) RUNTIME parameter

Answer is 2

7 :: What parameter directs the output of the job log dataset?





Answer is 2

9 :: What parameters can be used to limit the number of records written to a SYSOUT dataset?



(3) SIZE

(4) MAX

Answer is 2

10 :: How can the submitting users RACF authority be overridden in a job stream?

(1) Through the USER parameter

(2) Through the USER and PASSWORD parameter

(3) By notifying the console operation to override the authority

(4) Through the RACF parameter

Answer is 2

11 :: In SMS datasets, what is the function of the DD MGMTCLAS keyword?

(1) Specify a management class for a new dataset

(2) Lookup a storage profile from the class library

(3) Begin a storage class definition block

(4) Alters the default storage profile for the dataset

Answer is 1

12 :: In order to continue a job after a return code of 12 in step1, what the step2 EXEC statement include?


(2) COND = (12,NE)

(3) COND = (12,GE)

(4) COND = (12,EQ)

Answer is 2

13 :: How can a stopped job be started again?

(1) Through the RETURN parameter

(2) Through the STARTUP parameter

(3) Through the RESTART parameter

(4) Through the CHECKPNT keyword

Answer is 3

16 :: What is the function of //JCLLIB statement?

(1) Identifies the source of the JCL commands

(2) Points to the system software library

(3) Marks the beginning of the in-stream JCL

(4) Identifies the libraries that the system will search for include groups or procedures named in EXEC statements

Answer is 4

17 :: Must tape dataset definitions include VOL=SER specifications?

(1) Yes

(2) No

(3) Only for uncataloged datasets

(4) Only for cataloged datasets

Answer is 3

18 :: How can values be passed from the job stream to an executable program?

(1) Through the PARM keyword

(2) Through the VALUE parameter

(3) Through the PGM parameter

(4) All of the above

Answer is 1

19 :: What is concatenating?

(1) Overriding or adding procedures

(2) Logically connecting input datasets

(3) Overriding a called PROC dsname

(4) All of the above

Answer is 2

20 :: How can return codes be tested before execution of a job step?

(1) Through the RC keyword

(2) Through the CODE keyword

(3) Through the COND keyword

(4) Through the RETURNCD keyword

Answer is 3

21 :: What is the function of the STEPLIB DD statement?

(1) Identify a library to be searched for programs named in the EXEC statement

(2) Identify a library containing executable job steps

(3) Override the system step library within a job stream

(4) All of the above

Answer is 4

22 :: What is the purpose of the DD KEYLEN parameter?

(1) Specify the length of a data set key in bytes

(2) Override the key length of an SMS defined VSAM dataset

(3) Override the key length specified in the dataset label

(4) All of the above

Answer is 4

23 :: What DD statement is used to supply the name of a dataset?

(1) Name

(2) Dsname

(3) Label

(4) File

Answer is 2

24 :: A DD statement consists of 4 fields. Name them?

(1) Name, DD, Space, Device

(2) Format, Name, DD, Space

(3) DD, parameter, device, format

(4) Name, DD, parameter, comments

Answer is 4

25 :: What is the format of comment statement?

(1) //

(2) //*

(3) /*

(4 ) None of the above

Answer is 2
JCL Interview Questions and Answers
47 JCL Interview Questions and Answers