IBM QMF Interview Preparation Guide

Optimize your IBM QMF interview preparation with our curated set of 4 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your IBM QMF expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Access the free PDF to get all 4 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your IBM QMF interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

4 IBM QMF Questions and Answers:

1 :: How to execute a query in QMF at a particular time?

in ispf pannel press 9 next hit enter
then we will get qmf starting menu
then press f6
then we will enter into thw qmf pannel
then write a query
select * from table name;
press f2 it takes some time to do process
then we will get selected table detail.
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Both SPUFI(sql processing using file input) and
QMF(query management facility) appears to be same,but in
QMF it will genartae report for related query

some companies they use SPUFI or QMF (advanced version)

3 :: What are differences between QMF and SPUFI?

The biggest difference between QMF and SPUFI is that QMF is
a query/reporting environment with the ability to format
reports. SPUFI is just a quick and dirty SQL execution
engine. If you need to produce nice looking reports, enable
user input to a query, or store your queries and reports
for future usage, QMF is a much better technology for doing

4 :: What is QMF?

Query Management Facility is a query tool invented by IBM, for interfacing with their DB2 system. The most recent version is Version 9.2.