General Aptitude Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your General Aptitude interview with our extensive list of 23 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in General Aptitude. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Download the free PDF to have all 23 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure youre interview-ready.
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23 General Aptitude Questions and Answers:

1 :: 10 years ago, the average age of a family of 4 members was 24 years. Tow children having been born (with age difference of 2 years), the present average age of the family is the
same. The present age of the youngest child is:

The youngest age is 3.
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2 :: Explain 2-[2-{2-2-2}]?

-2 or +2

3 :: A man leaves office daily at 7pm A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for
driver he starts walking towards home. In the way he meets
the car and returns home on car He reaches home 20 minutes earlier than usual. In how much time does the man reach home

1 hr 20 min

4 :: If A earns Rs.450 monthly salary and increment of Rs.25 yearly, similarly B earns Rs.600 salary monthly and Rs.20 increment. when does A earn more than B?

A's monthly income = Rs 450
A's monthly increment = Rs 25/12
B's monthly income = Rs 600
B's monthly increment = Rs 20/12
Let A requires ' x ' month to have A's salary to be equal to B's salary so,
X=12.465 years . After 12.465 yrs A's sal becomes more than B's sal....

5 :: What is the pattern for MAQ Software company?

1st Round
1.1 First prepare C language --> They will concentrate on
arrays, function and pointers, call by reference and call by
value (30 question) + Aptitude Question from R S Aggarwaal
(20 question)
(50 question 1 hour)
1.2 In Algorithm they will ask two algorithm 45 min.....
just right the logic of it
1--> If few people are electing then every time ur candidate
should win
2--> arrange books in box, if box carry weight == books
weight then take another box..... find the no of box required.
(2 Algorithm 45 minutes)

2nd Round – Two Technical Interview
IN interview one sql query(find employee name whose sal is
b/w 5k and 10k and arrange in ascending order by name), one
question on c like (prime no b/w 50, fibnocci, find the
addition of digit like 456 then u should find 4+5+6 value
etc) one reasonong question(no of square in chess board).
HTML (registration form). (In interview u can write code in
java instead of c)
(prepare on redundancy, joins , ACID property, JDBC connection)
both interview will consist same type of question.
(they will see ur confidence level)

3rd Round
IN HR( Tell abt urself ... why u want to join MAQ, What
special qualities u have?, How many hours u can work? what u
did after B.Tech.)
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6 :: What is the next number in the series 3,26,15,124,?

the answer is as follows


7 :: In town of 500 people, 285 read Hindu and 212 read Indian express and 127read Times of India 20read Hindu and times of India and 29 read hindu and Indian express and 35 read
times of India andIndian express. 50 read no news paper.
Then how many read only one paper?


8 :: A monkey climbs a 52 – m smooth pole. It climbs 6 m up in one minute and slips
2 m down in every alternate minute. How long will it take to reach the top of the pole?

104 minutes....
coz in 2 minutes he climb 4 meteres
so to climb 52meters he will take 52*2=104 minutes

9 :: What is difference between goal and aim?

For example we take this question,

My goal is to answer this question.
My aim is how i am clearly answering the question.

Another example:
My goal is to pass the interview and my aim is the effort
i am taking (iam learning for it )

10 :: What is ETP?

effluent treatment plants
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