Funny Quotes Interview Preparation Guide

Enhance your Funny Quotes interview preparation with our set of 43 carefully chosen questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Funny Quotes to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Dont miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 43 questions to help you succeed in your Funny Quotes interview. Its an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
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43 Funny Quotes Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell me the three steps to put an elephant into a fridge?

☛ Open the fridge.
☛ Put the elephant in.
☛ Close the fridge.
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2 :: Tell me what are the four steps to put a deer into the fridge?

☛ Open the fridge.
☛ Take the elephant out.
☛ Put the deer in.
☛ Close the fridge.

3 :: Its lion's birthday, all the animals are there except one, why?

Because the deer is in the fridge.

4 :: There are 500 bricks on a plane, you drop one outside, tell me how many are left?

That is easy, 499 bricks

5 :: Tell me how does an old woman cross a swamp filled with crocodiles?

She just crosses it because the crocodiles are at the lion's birthday.
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6 :: In the end the old lady still died, why?

She was hit by the brick, you threw from the plane.

7 :: What language do they speak in Cuba?


8 :: Tell me what is a myth?

A female moth

9 :: Tell me what is an archaeologist?

Someone who's career is in ruins.

10 :: Tell me what is the noisiest game?

It is squash because you can not play it without raising a racket.
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