Fire Safety Officer Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Fire Safety Officer interview preparation with our curated set of 26 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Fire Safety Officer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Download the free PDF now to get all 26 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Fire Safety Officer interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

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Fire Safety Officer Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Fire Safety Officer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Fire Safety Officer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me an automatic sprinkler system triggered?

By the heat from a fire bursting a quartzoid glass bulb thus releasing the contained water pressures towards the fire area.

2 :: What is dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers?

This type of fire extinguisher is available in different sizes (3, 6 & 12 Kgs) and the type of extinguishing agent is (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) which is suitable for class A, class B, and class C fires.

It is advisable to avoid using dry powder fire extinguishers on fires involving sensitive electrical equipment such as computers since the powder particles will damage that equipment. Carbon Dioxide or Halon fire extinguishers are advised to be used in this case since they do not leave any residues after use.

3 :: Tell me by which heat may be transmitted and result in a spread of fire?

☛ By Radiation
☛ By Conduction
☛ By Convection

4 :: Suppose if cut off from means of escape from fire in a building, what things should you do and what should you not do?

☛ Return to the Safest point, location, or room

☛ Close all doors behind you

☛ Go to an external opening and raise the alarm

☛ Do not attempt to jump except under instructions from the fire brigade

5 :: Tell me what are the Precaution for a person, in case of fire burn?

☛ If fire catches a single person’s cloth; he should immediately roll on the floor.
☛ No lotion of any kind should be applied to the burn area
☛ In case of burns due to corrosive chemicals, the burn parts should be flooded with water
☛ The burn area should be covered with a dry sterile dressing
☛ Physical shock of the person is treated by giving him weak tea or coffee
☛ In major cases the patient should be sent to the hospital as quickly as

6 :: Tell me what is halon Fire Extinguishers?

This type of fire extinguishers (Halon 1211 - BCF) are available in different sizes (1 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, 12, kg, etc.).

It is used to extinguish class (A) fires and class (B) fires also it is very effective on fires involving electrical equipment, it is recommended to be used to extinguish fires involving delicate and costly electronic equipment since it does not leave any residues after use.

Halon 1211 (BCF) is discharged as a mixture of vapor and liquid droplets which gives good projection and long throw.

Halon as (CFC) has an impact on the ozone layer (Ozone Depletion) and now new substances have been developed to replace halons such as FM - 200 & 3M - CFA - 410.

7 :: Tell me what precautions are necessary for electrical work?

☛ All electrical installations shall be as per Standard electricity rules
☛ Only competent persons should handle the electrical equipment
☛ The equipment should be earthed properly
☛ All temporary electric lines should be drawn at least above man’s height
☛ Cable should be completely insulted
☛ Cable should not have any joints
☛ Only connection for one point
☛ Good housekeeping in the area
☛ Fire protection equipment to be kept nearby
☛ Use rubber gloves and rubber boots
☛ Use good quality wire
☛ Power isolation close to the job
☛ Use a three-pin plug instead of a loose wire
☛ Never operate any electrical equipment with wet hands
☛ Never stand wet surface while working electrical equipment
☛ During thunderstorms do not stand under a tree
☛ Proper signboard is necessary
☛ No person shall work on any live electrical conductor
☛ The switch shall only be put on by a person who switched it off.

8 :: Tell us why air convector heaters become a fire hazard if obstructed?

If Heater's airflow is obstructed the heater is liable to overheat causing the fire.

9 :: Explain me what are the precautions for welding?

Remove all combustion material from the place of welding

☛ Switch off the power when welding is stopped
☛ Erect fire blanket booth around the work
☛ All welding cables should be fully insulated
☛ Clear the work area and cover the wooden floor with fireproof blanket. (Welding mechanics should be kept within the visibility of the welders.
☛ All welding mics shall be double earthed
☛ Welding area should be dry and free from water
☛ Keep the fire extinguisher/sand nearly with Fire Watcher
☛ Use leather hand gloves, goggles, and helmets
☛ Do not allow the helper to do welding
☛ Do not shift the welding cable unless the electric power is switched off
☛ Terminal of the welding cables should be provided 3-cable with lugs and kept tight.
☛ Oxygen hose in black and Acetylene hose in red in color as per standard
☛ NRV of the blow torches should be maintained properly to avoid backfire
☛ Welders should be trained properly
☛ Cylinders should be stored in a cold dry place away from bottom heat and direct sunlight.
☛ Proper housekeeping, good ventilation in the working area
☛ Smoking should be avoided from the welding area
☛ Hose connection should be properly made
☛ Barricade the work area and put a signboard
☛ Rolling of cylinders should be avoided
☛ Flashback arrestor should be attached to each cylinder
☛ Any leakage of the cylinder should be kept separately.

11 :: Do you know how many Classes of Fire?

Yes Fires are classified by the fuel they burn. There are four classes according to the OSHA:-

► Class A Fires:
☷ These are fires involving ordinary combustibles:
☷ Cloth, wood, paper, rubber, many plastics.
☷ The most effective extinguishing agent is WATER, and dry chemical rated for A, B, and C fires.

► Class B Fires:
☷ These are fires involving flammable and combustible liquids such as Motor Gasoline - Solvents (Acetone) - Alcohol.
☷ The extinguishing agents include Foams - Dry Chemicals - Carbon Dioxide - Halons.

► Class C Fires:
Fires that involve energized electrical equipment where the electrical non - conductivity of the extinguishing agent is of great importance.
The extinguishing agents are Dry Chemical - Carbon Dioxide - Halons.
Water or any fire extinguisher containing water or any agent mixed with water is not allowed to be used on fires involving live electrical equipment, since water is a good conductor of electricity.

► Class D Fires:
☷ These are fires involving metals such as Sodium - Potassium Magnesium.
☷ Special types of fire extinguishers are used to extinguish such fires

12 :: What is Fire point?

the fire point of a fuel is the temperature at which the vapor produce by that fuel given fuel will continue to burn for at least 5 seconds after ignition by an open flame.

13 :: Explain me how does a self closing Fire door function?

It is held open by a fusible link, when this fuses due to heat a weight or spring closes the door.

14 :: What is Auto-ignition temperature?

The auto-ignition temperature of a substance is the lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition.

15 :: Tell us which are the primary occupancy classifications from NFPA 101?

☛ Assembly
☛ Educational
☛ Health care
☛ Detention and correctional
☛ Residential
☛ Mercantile
☛ Business
☛ Industrial
☛ Storage

16 :: Can you please explain general Rules For Using Portable Fire Extinguishers?

Follow PASS System:

☛ P- Pull the Pin
☛ A- Aim at the base of the fire
☛ S- Squeeze the Trigger
☛ S- Sweep side to side

General Rules:

► Fight the fires in the upwind direction.
► Start fighting the fire from a safe distance (2 - 5 m) away from the flame.
► Direct the stream to the base of the fire.
► Sweep the stream from side to side.
► Do not leave the fire area unless you are sure that the fire is completely out. If the fire re-ignite, repeat the process.

17 :: Suppose you have called out the city fire brigade to a fire at your plant. Explain vital pieces of information you should give to the officer in charge on his arrival?

☛ Details of the fire location

☛ Details of the fire mains of the site

☛ Details of the materials involved in the fire

☛ Details of a person trapped or missing

☛ Details of any special hazards involved

19 :: Please explain what is the precaution for gas cutting?

☛ Keep a fire extinguisher nearby
☛ Keep fire watch nearby
☛ Remove all combustible from the work area
☛ Use all necessary PPE
☛ Never put welding gas cylinder inside a confined space
☛ Hoses shall not be laid in pathways
☛ Gas cutting torch should have flashback arrestors
☛ Gas test is to be done to check for the presence of flammable gas on the site.
☛ Good housekeeping and ventilation are necessary for the working area.
☛ Hose connections should be made properly.

20 :: Explain me what is carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers?

This type of fire extinguishers are available in different sizes (2 kgs - 6 kgs - 10 kgs - 20 kgs - 30 kgs) .

It is used to extinguish class (B) fires (flammable liquids), also it is very effective on fires involving electrical equipment since it does not leave any residues after use.

It extinguishes fires by replacing some of the oxygen in the air.

21 :: Please tell me what is Safety?

It is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, risk, accident which may cause injury, damage and loss to material or property damage and even death. Safety is defined as freedom from those condition that can cause injury to persons including death or damage to property or environment.

It is common for this question to to be asked every time, and you should have questions ready. By asking questions you are able to show that you have enough interest to do some research, and that you want to learn all that you can. You should limit the questions to no more than three or four.

22 :: Please explain the steps in the use of a fire blanket on a flammable liquid fire?

☛ Open the blanket fully

☛ Drape it in front of you to protect you from radiant heat

☛ Protect the hands by turning the top edge over them

☛ Hold the blanket to protect your face

☛ Leave the blanket in position until the fire and its container have cooled.

23 :: Tell me what is a hot work?

Any work which involves spark, Open flame, and temperature is called Hot Work.

24 :: Explain me how to Prevent Fire and Explosion from a workplace?

All flammable gases, liquids, and vapors are removed before the start of any hot work.
Mechanical ventilation is usually used to Keep the concentration of any explosive or flammable hazardous substance less than 10% of its Lower Explosive Limit AND Make sure that the oxygen content in the confined space is not enriched. Oxygen content should be less than 23% but maintained at levels greater than 18%. (These numbers can vary slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction).

25 :: What is Flash Point?

The lowest temperature in which a volatile liquid produces enough vapor so that if there is an external source of ignition, it gives a flash of fire, when the ignition source is removed the flash stops.
Fire Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers
26 Fire Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers