Computer Architecture And Design Interview Preparation Guide

Elevate your Computer Architecture And Design interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 42 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Computer Architecture And Design expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF now to get all 42 questions and ensure youre well-prepared for your Computer Architecture And Design interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

42 Computer Architecture And Design Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is Virtual Memory in Computer?

Virtual memeory is that when the available RAM memory is not sufficient for the system to run the current applications it will take some memory from hard disk.This memory is termed as Virtual memory
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2 :: Explain How many types of memory in computer architecture?

computer have different type of memory like primary memory , Auxiliary memory , buffer memory , Cache memory , virtual memory ,
the work of all memory heterogeneously primary memory is directly communicate with the CPU . Auxiliary memory are used for storing the data for long time . Buffer memory are mainly used for storing the intermediate data between the travel . cache memory are used for storing the those data that currently required at process time for increase the speed of the data . virtual memory are put in between the two memory for increase the speed of data or instruction it means it put between HDD and RAM .

3 :: Explain What are the different hazards? How do we avoid them?

There are situations, called hazards, that prevent the next instruction in the instruction stream from executing during its designated clock cycle. Hazards reduce the performance from the ideal speedup gained by pipelining. There are three classes of Hazards:

1. Structural Hazards: It arise from resource conflicts when the hardware cannot support all possible combinations of instructions simultaniously in ovelapped execution.

2. Data Hazards: It arise when an instruction depends on the results of previous instruction in a way that is exposed by the ovelapping of instructions in the pipeline.

3. Control Hazards: It arise from the pipelining of branches and other instructions that change the PC.

4 :: Instead of just 5-8 pipe stages why not have, say, a pipeline with 50 pipe stages?

The latency of the architecture increases with the pipeline stages. Penalty due to the flushing of the pipeline for instance will also increase Cycles Per Instruction of the CPU architecture

5 :: Explain The CPU is busy but you want to stop and do some other task. How do you do it?

Arise a non maskable interrupt.
Then give jump instruction to required subroutine.
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6 :: Convert 65(Hex) to the Binary?

65 to decimal

==41 decimal
decimal to binary

7 :: How do we handle precise exceptions or interrupts?

Like java have a feature for handling exception handling "prime catch".the exception like divide by zero,out of bound.

8 :: Explain the difference between interrupt service routine and subroutine?

Subroutine are the part of executing processes(like any process can call a subroutine for achieve task),while the interrupt subroutine never be the part.interrupt subroutine are subroutine that are external to a process.

9 :: Can you explain what are the basic components in a Microprocessor?

1)address lines to refer to the address of a block

2)data lines for data transfer

3)IC chips 4 processing data

10 :: What is Static and Register variables?

Please share your answer we have still looking for answer or this question
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