Biztalk Hl7 Interview Preparation Guide

Strengthen your Biztalk Hl7 interview skills with our collection of 36 important questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Biztalk Hl7 expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 36 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Biztalk Hl7 interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

36 Biztalk Hl7 Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us what does BTAHL72VXCommon project contain?

It contains Schema for MSH segent and HL7 acknowledgements.
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2 :: Explain me why is it required to have party configured?

The HL7 parser is designed to check the party configuration for each HL7 message. It reads the MSH.3 and checks for whether a party has been defined. If it has then HL7 parser follows the configuration supplied via HL7 configuration explorer.

3 :: Please explain what is a distinguished field in BizTalk server?

A pipeline is required to write Distinguished Field in the message when it is being received on a port. Dis-assembler pipeline component such as XML and flat file disassemble does the task of writing the message context by the pipeline. In addition to it, custom pipeline component might be performing the task too.

4 :: Tell me the difference between Routing and Content Routing?

Message routing is a technique of passing through BizTalk without being processed, whereas content routing is the technique of the message which is based on certain field value of the schema.

5 :: Do you know BizTalk Servers rules Engine?

A rules engine is a software system which is used for executing one or more business rules in a dynamic production environment. The rules might be from legal; regulations, company policies or any other resources.
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6 :: Explain me what is the message type in BizTalk server?

Messages in BizTalk are data and each message must be of a selected message type. E-Mail, Documents, Info-Paths form, large binary files, SQL records, flat files and anything XML can be processed as messages. BizTalk is all about messages and message oriented programming. The most common message type in BizTalk is a schema.

7 :: Explain me what does BizTalk provide?

BizTalk provides cost effectiveness in organizational operations. When used in internal IT projects and can be used in externally focused solution too.

8 :: Do you know what does BTAHL7231common project contain?

It contains the definitional schema referred to by all version 2.31 message schemas.

9 :: Tell us can we override values in the MSH segment of the outgoing message?

Yes, it is possible to override certain field values in MSH segment of outgoing message.

10 :: Tell us what is a trading partner management in BizTalk?

Information workers manage trading partner relations within organizations. Business Activity Services include a Trading Partner Agreement Component to allow them to do accordingly. TPM databases preserves information about trading relations. Information workers create and modify the agreements with trading partners who use BizTalk Server.
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