Biztalk Database Interview Questions And Answers
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Elevate your Biztalk Database interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 28 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Biztalk Database expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF to have all 28 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
28 Biztalk Database Questions and Answers:
Biztalk Database Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain me what databases are part of every solution?
BizTalk Server Management database, MessageBox databases, Tracking database, and SSO database are four databases which are used by BizTalk server runtime operations. It is the component that encapsulates and abstracts the database component and is the interface used by BizTalk Server to interact with the MessageBox. The Message Agent is a Component Object Model (COM) component that provides interfaces for publishing messages, subscribing to messages, retrieving messages, and so on. This interface is the only mechanism used by other BizTalk Server components, including the adapter framework and orchestrations, to interact with the MessageBox.
Read More2 :: Tell me what are the options for upgrading BizTalk Server Database?
There are two ways for upgrading
1.In Place upgrade
2.Transfer Upgrade.
Read More1.In Place upgrade
2.Transfer Upgrade.
3 :: Explain which service looks after known issues in the database?
Monitor BizTalk Server, this job scans the BizTalkMgmtDb, BizTalkMsgBoxDb and BizTalkDTADb database for any known issues, including orphaned instances.
Read More4 :: Tell me messages without subscribers are removed, how?
☛ MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_BizTalkMsgBoxDb determines when a message is no longer referenced by any subscriber.
☛ When no subscriber found it starts MessageBox_Message_Cleanup_BizTalkMsgBoxDb which removes the unused message.
Read More☛ When no subscriber found it starts MessageBox_Message_Cleanup_BizTalkMsgBoxDb which removes the unused message.
5 :: Tell me what is the Root Node?
It's a node within a BizTalk Server schema that represents the outermost XML element in the business document specified by the schema.
Read More6 :: Explain me what is the correlation property schema?
Correlation types define a set of properties on which you will be correlating messages. These can be any properties which were previously defined in a property schema (see question 2) and deployed with some BizTalk Project including "system" properties deployed with the GlobalPropertySchemas which is installed as part of the base BizTalk install. A correlation set defines a set of properties and values for these properties that a message must contain to be processed by a particular orchestration.
Read More7 :: Tell me what effect does creating a new Host have on the Database?
When the new host is created it results in a new entry in the Host table in the Management database and also a new Host queue in the MessageBox.
Read More8 :: Tell me is there any change in the database when the filter is added to Send port or when Activate property of Receive shape is set to true?
Yes. An entry is added in subscription table.
Read More9 :: Explain me how many databases are used for implementing BRE?
In addition to the default 4 databases only one database, i.e. Rule Engine Database.
Read More10 :: As you know the MessageBox database holds all the messages that are processed, what about messaging Objects?
Messaging objects viz. Receive Ports, Receive Locations, Send ports, etc. are stored in the Management Database.
Read More11 :: Do you know how is schema generator invoked?
Right click the project in Solution Explorer and select Add Generated Items --> Generate Schemas.
Read More12 :: Tell us the MessageBox database holds all the messages that are processed, what about messaging Objects?
Messaging objects viz. Receive Ports, Receive Locations, Send ports, etc. are stored in the Management Database.
Read More13 :: Do you know what is <Any> element?
An <Any> element in a schema designates a specific location in the schema where new elements or attributes can be added. When BizTalk uses the schema to process a message containing unknown elements or attributes in the designated location, the schema will still consider the message valid.
Read More14 :: Please explain which SQL Agent job runs continuously?
MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_BizTalkMsgBoxDb is the job which runs continuously in spite of scheduled to run once per minute.
Read More15 :: Do you know which service looks after known issues in the database?
Monitor BizTalk Server, this job scans the BizTalkMgmtDb, BizTalkMsgBoxDb and BizTalkDTADb database for any known issues, including orphaned instances.
Read More16 :: Tell me which database stores the configuration information for receive locations?
Single Sign-On database (SSODb) securely stores the configuration information for receive locations, other known secret information is stored in the BizTalkMgmtDb.
Read More17 :: Tell me how would you define database role in context to BizTalk?
The database is used to store the data about the Message and other data required for processing it, along with the help of SQL Server Agent Jobs.
Read More18 :: Tell us what is the difference between XSD and DTD?
Difference between XSD and DTD are listed below:
☛ o XSD are written in XML.
☛ o XSD support data types.
☛ o XSD support namespaces.
☛ o XSD is extensible to future additions.
☛ o XSD is richer and more powerful than DTDs.
Read More☛ o XSD are written in XML.
☛ o XSD support data types.
☛ o XSD support namespaces.
☛ o XSD is extensible to future additions.
☛ o XSD is richer and more powerful than DTDs.
19 :: Tell me can "EDI" be a part of Namespace?
It can be but it should be avoided in the projects that uses BizTalk EDI engine as during run time there can be conflicts with this and expected results might not be seen.
Read More20 :: Tell me which SQL Agent job runs continuously?
MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_BizTalkMsgBoxDb is the job which runs continuously in spite of scheduled to run once per minute.
Read More21 :: Tell us does implementing BAM require more database?
Yes. BAM Analysis, BAM Archive, BAMAlertsApplication, BAMAlertsNSMain, BAM Primary Import database and BAM Star Schema can be used to implement BAM solution.
Read More22 :: Explain how would you define database role in context to BizTalk?
The database is used to store the data about the Message and other data required for processing it, along with the help of SQL Server Agent Jobs.
Read More23 :: What is transfer Upgrade?
In this type of upgrade, you simultaneously upgrade the version of SQL Server and move the databases to a new instance of SQL Server or to a new location entirely. You must manually move the databases and other objects (such as logons and jobs) to the new location. The procedure for a transfer upgrade is based on the procedure described in this topic, with the addition of the steps needed to move the databases to a new server or a new instance of SQL Server.
Read More24 :: Tell us messages without subscribers are removed, how?
MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_BizTalkMsgBoxDb determines when a message is no longer referenced by any subscriber. When no subscriber found it starts MessageBox_Message_Cleanup_BizTalkMsgBoxDb which removes the unused message.
Read More25 :: Explain what is InstallWFX.vbs script?
It is a script which when run installs the BizTalk Schema Generator. It is used when generating schema from existing items. It's likely to get error first time or after updates "WFX to XSD Schema generation module is not installed". Then this script can be used to install the schema generator.
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