Computer Architecture And Design Question:

Which steps are involved in an instruction cycle?


Answer #1Any program residing in the memory contains a set of instruction that need to be executed by the computer in a sequential manner. This cycle for every instruction is known as the instruction cycle . The cycle consists of the following steps:
★ Fetch instruction:
Like the name stated in this process the cpu fetches the instruction from the memory. The PC get loaded with the address of the instruction.
★ Decode:
The instruction: In this process the instruction gets decoded by the processor.
★ In case the instruction has an indirect address the effective address is read from the memory.
★ Fetch the operand from the memory
★ Execution:
Once the instruction gets decoded the processor executes the instruction.
★ Result:
Store the result in the appropriate place.

Answer #2steps involved are
fetch instruction: Read the next expected instruction into a buffer.
Decode instruction: Determine the opcode and the operand specifier.
calculate operands: calculate the effective address of each source operand. this may involve displacement, register indirect or other forms of address calculations.
Fetch operands: fetch each operation from the memory.
Execute instruction: perform the indicated operation and store the result if any in the specified destination (i.e.operand location).
write operand: store the result In memory.

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