Visual Studio IDE Interview Questions & Answers
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Visual Studio IDE frequently Asked Questions in various Visual Studio IDE job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Visual Studio IDE job interview

5 Visual Studio IDE Questions and Answers:

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Visual Studio IDE Job Interview Questions and Answers
Visual Studio IDE Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How to add an event handler in Visual Studio .NET and in Visual Studio 2005?

To do this we need to use the IEventBindingService and IComponentChangeService of the IDesignerHost of the form.

2 :: How to override a base class method in Visual Studio .NET and in Visual Studio 2005?

To override a base class method using the Visual Basic Code Editor

Open the form that you want to use in the Code Editor.
From the Class Name drop-down list at the top of the Code Editor, choose (Overrides).

A list of the methods is added to the Event list.
From the Method Name list at the top of the Code Editor, choose the method for which you want to create an event handler.

5 :: How to open only one instance of vb application(.exe)?

Following are the steps to make single instance application

1.For a Vb.NET project selected in Solution Explorer, click
Properties on the Project menu.

2.Now Click Application tab.

3.Select the Make single instance application check box.
Visual Studio IDE Interview Questions and Answers
5 Visual Studio IDE Interview Questions and Answers