Typist Interview Preparation Guide

Sharpen your Typist interview expertise with our handpicked 42 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Typist expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Access the free PDF to get all 42 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Typist interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

42 Typist Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell me how do you stay organized as Typist?

I like to male lists of priorities (most important at the top) and work through the list. This is so everything that needs to get done, gets done. This is to prevent anything being forgotten about.
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2 :: Tell me why are you the best candidate for us as Typist?

My qualification and work experience is suitable for the job.

3 :: Tell me how many words per minute can you type?

I type between 70-80 words per minute. At a recent Pitman Training typing test I scored 80 words per minute.

4 :: Explain me have you ever worked as a Typist for larger firms? If so, walk me through your typical tasks and tell me which you enjoyed the most?

I worked for 2 months as data entry operator. If any work is given to me then I will do it sincerely.

5 :: Tell me how do you prioritize your work when you have multiple deadlines to meet?

Prioritising is very important. I do this every day by deciding what the most important job needs doing first. The most urgent duty.
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6 :: Explain why did you choose to pursue a career as a Typist?

I really enjoy typing and felt that this is the path for me to pursue this passion of mine.

7 :: Explain me what are your short term goals?

For as long as I am enjoying the job, I imagine I will be working as a typist. Enjoying to type is a good basis for a typist job so I think long term.

8 :: Explain me what makes a good data entry specialist?

This question should give you insight into how the freelancers views their role. Data entry specialists should be able to transcribe large amounts of information accurately and quickly. Good time-management and interpersonal skills are also valuable.

9 :: Tell me how comfortable are you working independently?

Though there may be instances where a data entry specialist should flag a document as incomplete and requiring more information, in general they should be able to resolve minor discrepancies on their own.

10 :: Tell me what's something that most people don't know about the typewriter business?

Basically how to use them. They know how to type on them, but a lot of them don't know how to insert paper correctly. Some of these typewriters have automatic paper insert and people don't know how to use that. They don't even know it's there and how to change the ribbons.
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