TSR Interview Preparation Guide

Sharpen your TSR - Telesales Representatives interview expertise with our handpicked 61 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your TSR - Telesales Representatives expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF now to get all 61 questions and ensure youre well-prepared for your TSR - Telesales Representatives interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
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61 TSR - Telesales Representatives Questions and Answers:

1 :: Why did you leave your last position?

This is a tricky question because "anything you say can and will be held against you!" Be careful and only answer with a positive tone. You can say that you didn't find the job challenging enough for your skills, or that the workload was sporadic and you spent, say 40%, of your time on 'idle' mode. Never speak ill of your last employer because it shows that you will do exactly the same once you leave this one! Protect the image of your previous employer, and your current one will respect you for it.
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2 :: Are you comfortable making some cold calls?

I am comfortable making cold calls. I have found that some of my most interesting sales have been the result of a cold call, to someone who was rather unsure of their interest in my product at our first meeting.

3 :: How to handle a customer who starts yelling at you as soon as they pick up and find out that you are a telemarketer?

Not every customer is in the right mood for a sales call, and I understand that. Irate customers are part of the game, and I can easily calm them down with an apology; however, I will usually attempt to get a callback time so a valuable potential customer doesn't lose out on the great benefits your products can give them.

4 :: How to handle an angry call from a customer?

First, you need to allow them to vent their anger. If they are abusive, tell them you're willing to listen, but only if they stop using profanities. Next, hear what they have to say and note down key points. Third, re-state the main points so both of you are clear about the situation. Fourth, find a solution that fits within your company's policies and can redress the customer's problem. Fifth, confirm that the problem has been solved and that the customer is satisfied with the solution. You may not be able to do all of this in one phone call, but this is the essential process. The important part is to keep your cool at all times, and genuinely try to find a solution that will make the customer happy.

5 :: What are the Most Important TSR Skills?

Not everyone can handle sales. You need to have the right attitude and abilities. At your job interview, the interviewer will be looking for your sales skills, and the aspects of the process that help close deals. An example of a good answer includes "The ability to recognize both verbal and non-verbal cues to adapt the sales strategies you implement to impress the prospective buyer."
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6 :: Have you ever had conflict with your team leader or manager?

This can be your answer: No, my work ethic is strong, so there's been no reason for conflict. However, at times I have had disagreements on how to resolve a particular problem for a customer, but I have always been able to talk it out and find a solution that my team leader has supported.

7 :: What Do You See Are the Key Skills In?

Common sales interview questions and answers revolve around how you view the skills involved in a specific sales technique or aspect of the sales process. For example, "What do you see are the key skills in closing a sale?" Answers to these types of questions should always focus on responding to the buyer's concerns and on how the product or service will benefit the recipient.

8 :: Are you able to work with multiple phone lines?

Your answer: Yes, this has been part of my training, and my previous job entailed handling several lines. I have good multi-tasking skills and my previous employer can vouch for this.

9 :: Tell Me How Do You Move On From a Rejection?

Rejections are common within sales jobs, and one of the primary reasons that most personalities could not handle sales roles. Try to downplay how hard you take rejections, but feel free and be honest about a technique you use to handle rejection or answer with something like, "I simply move on to the next prospect, because a rejection is simply a sign that the individual was not yet ready for our solution."

10 :: How to handle a high pressure environment?

Your answer: I am highly organized, and I prioritize my workload so that everything gets done on time and with high quality. I also leave room for urgent tasks that might be assigned to me so that my schedule is basically unaffected by emergencies.
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