Survey Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Survey interview with our extensive list of 31 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Survey to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF to have all 31 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure youre interview-ready.

31 Survey Questions and Answers:

1 :: Gender:

1. ____female
2. ____male
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2 :: U.S. ethnic code:

1. ____White (Non Hispanic)
2. ____Cambodian, Laotian, or Vietnamese whose family immigrated after 1975
3. ____Other Asian or Pacific Islander
4. ____American Indian or Alaskan Native
5. ____Hispanic/Latin American
6. ____Black/African-American

3 :: College rank:

1. ___freshman
2. ___sophomore
3. ___junior
4. ___senior
5. ___special
6. ___graduate

4 :: Which of the following science courses have you completed in high school or college (check all that apply):

1. ____biology
2. ____chemistry
3. ____physics

5 :: Which of the following math courses have you completed in high school or college (check all that apply):

1. ____basic math
2. ____algebra
3. ____geometry
4. ____pre-calculus/trigonometry
5. ____calculus
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6 :: How many hours per week will you be working at a paid job this semester?

1. ____none
2. ____1-5
3. ____6-10
4. ____11-15
5. ____16-20
6. ____21-30
7. ____31-40

7 :: Do you expect to have child care responsibilities this semester that will sometimes conflict with classes?

1. ____yes
2. ____no

8 :: What three words would you use to describe this organization to a friend?

1. 1. __________________________________
2. 2. __________________________________
3. 3. __________________________________

9 :: Is this your first visit to our organization?

1. ____Yes
2. ____No

10 :: Have you ever visited this our organization for any of the following activities? (Check all that apply)

1. ____A special event
2. ____A concert
3. ____A guided tour
4. ____A family program
5. ____A lecture
6. ____A studio class
7. ____Our gift shop
8. ____A film
9. ____Restaurant or cafe
10. Other (specify) ____________
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