Solaris Inter-Process Communication (IPC) Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your Solaris IPC interview skills with our 15 critical questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Solaris IPC to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 15 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Solaris IPC interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

15 Solaris IPC Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell me is there any good future for Solaris?

Yes i think Solaris is having a brilliant future.
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2 :: Explain shmmax (max-shm-memory in Solaris 10+)?

This is the maximum size of a shared memory segment (ie the largest value that can be used by shmget). Its theoretical maximum value is 4294967295 (4GB), but practical considerations usually limit it to less than this. There is no reason not to tune this value as high as possible, since no kernel resources are allocated based on this parameter. Solaris 10 sets shmmax to 1/4 physical memory by default, vs 512k for previous versions.

3 :: What is shmmin?

This is the smallest possible shared memory segment size. The default is 1 byte; this parameter should probably not be tuned.

4 :: Explain shmmni (max-shm-ids in Solaris 10+)?

Maximum number of shared memory identifiers at any given time. This parameter is used by kernel memory allocation to determine how much size to put aside for shmid_ds structures. Each of these is 112 bytes and requires an additional 8 bytes for a mutex lock; if it is set too high, memory useage can be a problem. The maximum setting for this variable in Solaris 2.5.1 and 2.6 is 2147483648 (2GB), and the default is 100. For Solaris 10, the default is 128 and the maximum is MAXINT.

5 :: What is shmseg?

Maximum number of segments per process. It is usually set to shmmni, but it should always be less than 65535. Sun documentations suggests a maximum for this parameter of 32767 and a default of 8 for Solaris 2.5.1 and 2.6.
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6 :: What is semmap?

This sets the number of entries in the semaphore map. This should never be greater than semmni. If the number of semaphores per semaphore set used by the application is "n" then set
semmap = ((semmni + n - 1)/n)+1
or more. Alternatively, we can set semmap to semmni x semmsl. An undersized semmap leads to "WARNING: rmfree map overflow" errors. The default setting is 10; the maximum for Solaris 2.6 is 2GB. The default for Solaris 9 was 25; Solaris 10 increased the default to 512. The limit is SHRT_MAX.

7 :: Explain semmni (max-sem-ids in Solaris 10+)?

Maximum number of systemwide semaphore sets. Each control structure consumes 84 bytes. For Solaris 2.5.1-9, the default setting is 10; for Solaris 10, the default setting is 128. The maximum is 65535

8 :: What is semmns?

Maximum number of semaphores in the system. Each structure uses 16 bytes. This parameter should be set to semmni x semmsl. The default is 60; the maximum is 2GB.

9 :: What is semmnu?

Maximum number of undo structures in the system. This should be set to semmni so that each control structure has an undo structure. The default is 30, the maximum is 2 GB.

10 :: Explain semmsl (max-sem-nsems in Solaris 10+)?

Maximum number of semaphores per semaphore set. The default is 25, the maximum is 65535.
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