Sociology Interview Preparation Guide

Enhance your Sociology interview preparation with our set of 12 carefully chosen questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Sociology to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Dont miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 12 questions to help you succeed in your Sociology interview. Its an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

12 Sociology Questions and Answers:

1 :: Can you explain What is the importance of strategic management towards the success of a business?

Strategic management used to play a different after the Second Word War. Strategic plans of the past usually range 3 to 5 years. Some companies could even have plans for 10 good years. That is not possible today given rapid evolution of our society.
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2 :: Tell me What caused the Great Depression?

The business boom of the 1920s made people overly confident therefore, they invested their money in risky stocks and deals. In addition, banks made careless loans and soon failed when people could not pay them back. Third, businesses produced more goods than were wanted and they could not sell or make a profit. Lastly, human workers / jobs were becoming replaced by machines and people could not find work.

3 :: What is Positivism?

The methodological approach toward sociology by early theorists was to treat the discipline in broadly the same manner as natural science. An emphasis on empiricism and the scientific method was sought to provide an incontestable foundation for any sociological claims or findings, and to distinguish sociology from less empirical fields such as philosophy. This perspective, is called as positivism.

4 :: Tell me How tourism is an upcoming industry?

Tourism is an upcoming industry because it is generating high level of income, nowadays it is third number of high income generating industry...

5 :: Can you explain Why was Vietnam divided into two countries?

The north was communist, the south was capitalist, which was determined by their supporter states, the USSR and the US after independence in 1954, and however, this division was only meant to be temporary, with elections to re-unify the country.
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6 :: What is sociology?

Sociology is the study of development, Structural and behavioral functions of humans. It solves the human problems.
in short Sociology means Gender study from birth to death.

7 :: Tell me Does Europe the USA or China have the largest economy?

1- Europe (remember Italy, French, UK and Germany are 4 world's power) 2- USA 3- China.

2006 GDP Figures from the CIA World Fact book, in Trillions of dollars, purchasing power parity:

European Union: 13.080

United State: 13.060

China: 10.210

Prior to 2005, and probably back to 1942, the United State surpassed the EU.

8 :: Tell me What still matters in strategic management lies in the value of planning?

There is an old saying that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. By acting on this, strategic management actually gives the organization direction, a sense of identity and unity towards what the business goal. Therein lays the continued importance of strategic management towards business success.

Every business has a vision and a mission. Strategic management takes into consideration both of these. Strategic management helps in achieving the organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner. For more details on importance of management, you can see the "Importance of Management" section on

9 :: Tell me What are the effects of globalization on Indian industry?

Indian industry has progressed a lot due to globalization. A lot of improvement has been seen in Indian industry.

10 :: Can you explain What can you do about tourists use of natural resources?

Countries have to legislate so that new tourist developments satisfy environmental safeguards. All development must be sustainable.

1) There must be no pollution into waterways and oceans.

2) Garbage and sewage must be collected and recycled as much as possible.

3) Tourist movements into natural areas must be limited so the numbers do not do any damage to the environment.

4) Building must blend into the natural environment.

5) There must be legal deforestation (e.g., cutting down rainforests to build a golf course).

6) New resorts and gardens must not put too great a demand on water and other natural resources.
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