Senior Graphics Designer Interview Preparation Guide

Senior Graphics Designer related Frequently Asked Questions in various Senior Graphics Designer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting
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59 Senior Graphics Designer Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us what are your three most important assets?

☛ I am dependable
☛ Creative and energetic
☛ I take pride in the fact that the work I create is always done to the best of my ability.
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2 :: Explain the culture of the company?

Are you a good fit for this particular organization? Make sure you are comfortable with the culture and the dynamic of the company.

3 :: Tell me what have you done in the past that qualifies you for this job?

☛ Education
☛ Design and illustration knowledge and experience
☛ Software knowledge
☛ Experience working on real, industry-quality, projects
☛ Work experience
☛ Teamwork at your job
☛ Being dependable, handling responsibility
☛ Other related experience

4 :: Tell me who do you consider your top competitor, and why?

You should already have an idea of the company's major competitors, but it can be useful to ask your interviewer for their thoughts. Naturally, they will be able to give you insight you can't find anywhere else.

5 :: Tell us why do you want to work for our company?

☛ Base your answer on the research you did. What interested you in the company?
☛ What do you like about the company?
☛ State that the company's open position matches your career goals and aspirations.
☛ Reiterate your interest in working for them in this job.
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6 :: Tell me what are the biggest opportunities facing the company/department right now?

This question shows your drive to seize opportunity and may help you learn more about where the company will be focusing over the next several months.

7 :: Explain In five short statements, tell me why I should hire you?

☛ I take great pride in my work
☛ I am a talented and creative graphic artist
☛ I have the skills, abilities and qualifications to succeed in this job
☛ I am a dependable, energetic, and devoted employee
☛ I really want this job and an excited to start working for you!

8 :: Where do you want to be in 5 years?

☛ Be honest, where do you want to be?
☛ I would like to continue to grow and learn within this company
☛ This job is my long-term goal

9 :: Why Did You Apply For This Job as Senior Graphics Designer?

While the first question assessed your motivation for the industry in general, this question is designed to test your motivations and reasons for applying for this particular role. The employer wants to see how much you know about the role and company on offer and they're really asking why you think you're a good fit for this particular graphic design job. When answering this question - again, it's good to be honest - but you need to avoid citing purely selfish reasons eg. amazing salary or 40 days holiday a year. Instead of citing the aforementioned reasons, a better answer might be to say you're looking for a new challenge and you'd love the chance to work for an established brand that has a great reputation within the industry. You could also mention how your skills and experience align perfectly with the role on offer - and how your values also match those of the brands.

10 :: Explain what are the next steps in the interview process?

This question shows that you are eager to move forward in the process. It will also help you gain important information about the timeline for hiring so that you can follow up appropriately.
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