SEM Specialist (SEO/SEM) Interview Preparation Guide

SEM Specialist (SEO/SEM) related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Search Engine Marketing Specialist. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts
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101 Search Engine Marketing Specialist Questions and Answers:

1 :: How Adwords work?

Adwords work on bidding system if the bidding price is higher your ad will appear on top of the Google page. Adwords works on “pay per click” that means you only pay the amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad as a result of a web search.
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2 :: How does a Google auction work?

Each month auction gets run billion of times, and the result are such that users find ads that are relevant to what they are looking for. The search engine processes the request and runs the auction that determines the ad positions and each advertisers CPC.

3 :: Tell me what is Adwords?

Adwords is the system that Google has designed to assist in marketing product or services in Google search engine and its affiliated sites. It will place a text ad that appears when people search for phrases associated to your offering.

4 :: What is conversion optimizer in AdWords?

Conversion Optimizer is a tool used by Google Adwords for bid manipulation and decides which clicks on the ad will be valuable. It can help you to return maximum on your investment.

5 :: What is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate?

CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is

Number of click / Number of impressions X 100

These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of customers have viewed your ad.
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6 :: How to track conversions in Google Adwords?

In Google Adwords, conversion tracking can be done in following ways

☛ Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by Adwords and modifying it with additional code unique to your particular e-commerce platform
☛ View-through conversion window options tracks when a person sees your ad but does not click it (impression)
☛ By enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks, meaning that Adwords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked
☛ By accessing search funnels inside tools and analysis, you can also know when customers clicked on your ad for the first time and how frequently they saw your ad before converting.

7 :: Explain me what is the possible impact of Ad Rank on Cost per Click?

Ad rank defines the actual cost per click that your opponents pay when someone clicks on their ads. The CPC can be calculated as Price by you = The ad rank of the person below you / your quality score + $0.01.

8 :: What is an ad group is in Google AdWords?

Ad group is a container of your landing pages, advertisements, and keywords. Google rewards advertisers who prepare AdWord Campaigns with tightly structured ad groups. Adding all keywords into the single ad group is not advisable rather it is better to organize keywords into themes.

9 :: Tell me how can we improve conversion rates?

To target users to the campaign for boosting conversions, one has to create ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly themed ad groups.

10 :: Tell me what is the limit set for the characters or number for AdWords ad?

In AdWords, the limit for

☛ Description line 1: 25 characters
☛ Description line 2: 35 characters
☛ Description URL: 1024 characters
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