SAP PP Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your SAP PP interview with our extensive list of 21 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your SAP PP expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Dont miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 21 questions to help you succeed in your SAP PP interview. Its an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

21 SAP PP Questions and Answers:

1 :: Can we create Production order without bom and routing?

yes we can create a production order without BOM & routing.
Change the Config in OPL8 ( order type dependent parameters)
as routing optional. But it may ask for a sales order when
we try to create order using CO01
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2 :: what is the difference between PP and PP-PI?
Which one is better and how?

PP--> Prodction Planning mostly used for descrete type of
industries , where at the time of confirmation the output is
sure to be fixed. eg Automobile

PP- PI--> Production Planning for Process Industries , here
mostly used for the typical chemical industries , as the
Yield is not fixed due to chemical reaction yield values can
be varied to noticable extent. Eg X+Y =Z some 10 kg of X
and 1 KG of Y givs yiled that is Z of 10 Kg only.

3 :: If there are some errors in goods movements, and less stock of material consumed, how can i solve that problem in SAP?

According to me COGI is basically a SAP standardised system
which will tell you that what is the error in some cases it
can rectify it too.

But if the entry is done manually by MB1A, MB1B, MB1C you
have to bring back or cancell the movement or move the
stock to desired material and then refresh COGI.

4 :: If there are some errors in goods movements, and less stock of material consumed, how can we solve that problem in SAP?

First you have to do revoke Teco and then process the
order,other wise system wont allow..

5 :: Explain why their is need of production version?

In production version, we assign the BOM and ROUTING
combination. And in case of alternate BOMs , it clears which
alternative bom has to be selected automatically.
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6 :: Explain what is the meaning of exploding a BOM?

it is the process of multiplying the requirement by the
usage quantity and recording the appropriate requirements
throughout the product tree

7 :: What are all the different manufacturing scenarios in pp?

There are different scenarios in SAP PP module.
1)Make to stock
2)Make to order
3)External processing (Subcontracting)
4)Rework processing
5)Prodcution in another plant

8 :: in sap system, how to get production order record!
example: i want to know who lock my production order!

You can use SM12 and type in the Production order number
with * at beginning and end.say like if order number is
100234 ,type it like *100234* and execute. it will give the
list of users who are currently accessing that order

9 :: What is the need of pp in sap, what is the flow diagram of sap pp

SAP pp provides capabilities for planning, execution,
quality, maintenance.This integrated manufacturing solution
gives you the features and functions necessary for you to
Activity flow

Step 1. Material Creation-Finished with suitable material
Step 2. Purchasing and procurement of Material
Step 3. Creation of Bills of Material
Step 4. Creation of Work center
Step 5. Creation of routing.
Step 6. Creation of Production Order
Step 7. Confirmation of production order
Step 8. Stock check
Step 9. MRP run
Step 10.Material Procurement

10 :: In which context do you use bills of material?
[ ] Material Requirements Planning
[ ] Execute Production
[ ] Goods Movements (to Help Data Entry)
[ ] Product Costing
[ ] Development/Engineering/Design
[ ] Documentation
[ ] Others?

Product Costing :in order to observe the different cycle
times on the particular product in the bom,for the process
capability&for the costing of that particular product
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