SAP Database Interview Preparation Guide

Sharpen your SAP Database interview expertise with our handpicked 9 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in SAP Database to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 9 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your SAP Database interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
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9 SAP Database Questions and Answers:

1 :: When spool buffer is full and new spool request is raised what happens to the request ?

The new spool request will be in the queue. If it is urgent request then the current request will be be stoped and newrequest will be send.
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2 :: What is Group by in Select statement using SAP database?

A "group by" is used to group selected rows in a table to perform arg functions on them. Rows not included in the "group by" clouse and not part of ARG functions cannot be used ...(logical grouping of data) or orerations performed (on groups of data) can be used with the "HAVING" clause to further refine the output. ex of some ARG functions : SUM() , MIN(),MAX(), AVG()

3 :: Select statement to read data into internal tables. Types of Select statements?

select * from database table into (internal table name) the above statement collects data into the header area of the internal table. and select * from database table into table (internal table name) the above statement collects the data into the body area directly .

4 :: What are the tools used in SAP Implementation? How do you create Alert Messages?

One of the Tools being used for SAP Implemention is QuickSizer, which is used to size the SAP Server based on number of users using various modules in SAP. Alert Message is created in the CCMS monitor using TCodes RZ20 and RZ21. The values for Alert AutoReaction Methods are defined using the TCode RZ21, while this particular method is assigned to the Monitoring Tree Element (MTE) in the TCode RZ20. One as well can have an Alert Management System, where alerts from the Entire Landscape can be configured in a Central Monitoring System from where it can trigger a alert mail or SMS to the concerned Administrator

5 :: What is the difference between R3trans and Tp in SAP-DBA?

R/3trans is the R/3 system transport program which can be used for transporting data between different SAP systems ,even when they dont belong to the same group. R3trans normally is not used directorly but called from the Tp controle program or by the R/3 upgrade. Tp is the basic tool for the transporting the request.
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6 :: What is “Catch” Command?

Trying to catch any runtime errors programmatically or manually we use this statement catch.

7 :: Difference between Insert, Update and Modify?

INSERT - Add a new record into the database table. MODIFY - If record is available it modifies otherwise it wont modify. UPDATE - If record is available its update the record otherwise it creates a new record.

8 :: What happens “Update” command is used without where clause?

Based on query condition. it will update all the fields which are mentioned in the query. ex: update employee set firstname= @firstname,lastname=@lastname where employee_id =@employee_id. so in the above case nothing wil be happen if you used where clause or not. if you have many statements in the query you need to use the where clause.

9 :: Explain “Commit” and “Roll back” Commands?

The Oracle RDBMS provides a transaction model based on a unit of work. The PL/SQL language supports most, but not all, of the database model for transactions (you cannot, for example, ROLLBACK FORCE). Transactions begin with the first change to data and end with either a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. COMMIT makes the database changes permanent and visible to other database sessions. ROLLBACK undoes the changes made in the current transaction either to the beginning of the transaction or to a savepoint. A savepoint is a named processing point in a transaction, created with the SAVEPOINT statement. Rolling back to a savepoint is a partial rollback of a transaction, wiping out all changes (and savepoints) that occurred later than the named savepoint.