General Oracle Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your Oracle Basic interview skills with our 11 critical questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Oracle Basic to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 11 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Oracle Basic interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

11 Oracle Basic Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is PTO and ATO? Their functionality. How can we differentiate between them?

PTO and ATO or Different Ordering Environments,

PTO is Pick To Order: where it is assumed that

availability of stock is plenty , just pick and relese and ship for an order.

ATO is Assemble to Order : it is assuemed that,

availble of option class, all included/standard items/ and depending up on the Order the Assemblies are carried and shipped.

where it is expected that an order is booked for a predefined model item,
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2 :: Explain What is ORDER_TO_CASH cycle?

We perform the following steps in O2C cycle
Enter and Book Sales Order
Schedule the Order
Pick Release the Order
Ship confirm the Order
Auto Invoice to the Receivables for the customer invoicing
Bank Reconciliation

3 :: Explain shipping process along with some screen shots?

Shipping date / ship confirm date is stored in the table oe_order_lines_all.actual_ship_date Once the material is shipped and after running the interface trip stop SRS the above field get updated with the ship confirm date.

4 :: Explain What should be done when sales order lines are closed but header is still in Booked status?

Verify the Sales order header workflow. It should be waiting at sales order line close.
now navigate to Sysadmin>>workflow>>administer workflow>>status monitor
on the new webpage enter the item type as OEOH and item key as the header workflow ID and find.
Now click activity history and select the wait function and retry>>submit>>Okay

Now again go to the sales order header and verify the header status it should be complete.

In case the order is very old and the workflow has been purged then we will need a data fix to close the Order header.

5 :: Explain What is the difference between a Purchase Order (PO) and Sales Order?

Sales order is which customer want or list of item's that customer want. It can be billable or non-billable

Purchase order is order used for fulfilled requisitions. i.e Get item's from supplier.
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6 :: Explain What are the interface programs done in Order Management?

The following interface programs are involved in Order Management process..

1. Interface Trip Stop.
2. Inventory Interface
3. Order Management Interface
4. Workflow Background Engine.

7 :: Explain the conversion of holds done using API? What are the tables affected? what are the fields to be passed and to which base tables?

The tables effected are

oe_hold_definitions (contains hold name would be defined as apart of setup)
oe_hold_sources (hold applied info would be saved in this)
oe_order_holds (contins the hold info in this as well)

Data to be passed sales order header id order line id hold id (type of hold) hold code like OEOH means hold at the header level OEOL hold at the line level.

8 :: Explain What are the APIs used in Order Management?

OE_ORDER_PUB is the main API in OM. Using this API all data manipulation (Inserts updates deletes can be performed on a Sales Order and it's attributes. Besides these certain other action requests such as applying holds attachments booking etc. can also be processed using the Sales Order API. After this in Shipping we have WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.CREATE_UPDATE_DELIVERIES
for creating and updating deliveries for picked
for actions on created deliveries like PICK_RELEASE SHIP_CONFIRM

9 :: What is ONT stands for, as OE stands for Order Entry?

ONT is the application short name for Order Management in Oracle.

10 :: Explain Order Management Flow in detail?

Create Sale order >

in the Header Level - enter customer name whos should be having both Bill to and Sit to Address> enter Payment Terms> enter the pricing > enter the transaction Type of that sale, then go to Line item and pick the invenotiable ( or ono inventoribale item) items from item master from the Sub Inventroy Orginsation, then attch this line to a particular sales man or collection agent.

Save the data, ( Line statius is 'Entered') then book the order ( shows the line status as " line is awating shippment" ( order status will be 'booked' > release the sales order > ( Line status will be " Picked") and ship the Materail which eventually show the line status as 'closed'.

this shows the inventroy is credited with inventory Cost and COGS is Debited

The next face is interfacing to AR ( Autoinvoicing Rule) - Customer is Debited and Sales is Credited.

enter the order:
oe-order-lines-all(flow_status_code = entered)
book the order:
oe_order_lines_all(flow_status_code = booked)
wsh_new_deliveries(status_code =open)
wsh_delivery_details(releases_status = R 'ready to release)
pick release:
which items on sales order we need to take out from inventory.
normally pick release SRS program run from backend once this over.
wsh_delivery_detalis(release_status = S 'submitted for release)

pick confirm:
items are transfered from salable to staging sub inventory.
wsh_delivery_details(released_status = Y 'released')

ship confirm:
here ship confirm program run from backend and data removed from wsh_new_deliveries.
oe_order_lines_all ( flow_status_code =shipped)
wsh_delivery_details (released_status = shipped)
mtl_material_transactions (linked through source_header_id)
data deleted from mtl_demand & mtl_reservations
item deducted from mtl_onhand_quantities.

Enter invoice:
this is also called recivables interface,that mean information moved to accounting area for invoicing
invoicing workflow activity transfers shipped item info to recevables.
then auto-invoice program imports data from this.
then effected tables : ra_customer_trx_all (trx_number is the invoice number)
ra_customer_trx_lines_all (line_attribute 1 & 6 ) linked to header_id
and lined_id for orders....

complete line:
order line level table get updated with flow status & open flag.
oe_ordr_lines_all ( flow_status_code = shipped & open flag = N)

close order:
once we close the order oe_order_lines_all table get updated with flow_status_code as closed.
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