Marketing Internship Interview Preparation Guide

Enhance your Marketing Internship interview preparation with our set of 41 carefully chosen questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Marketing Internship expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 41 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Marketing Internship interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

41 Marketing Internship Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell me as an intern, what kind of contribution can you offer to us?

I am an exceptionally insightful person, who has a great ability to assist in the strategizing of digital marketing campaigns. If hired as an intern, I am positive that I can be a great contributory factor in developing engaging online content, assisting in the development and implementation of SEO and PPC, presenting new marketing strategies, and supporting the increase of the company’s social media presence.
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2 :: Explain me why is measurement of digital marketing campaigns so important?

Measuring digital marketing campaigns is imperative so that performances can be assessed against both ROIs and KPIs. This gives decision makers a ground for deciding how to handle digital marketing campaigns in the future.

3 :: Explain me about a time when you have successfully dealt with a difficult situation?

Lots of internships interviews will have a section of competency questions like this, where you’re asked to provide an example of a time when you’ve exhibited a particular strength or behaviour.

The above is a common competency question in internship interviews because it is so broad and can be answered without needing a job or previous internship for examples. Our top tips are:

☛ DO use STAR to structure your answer, spending most time on the A and the R, rather than scene setting
☛ DON’T use an example where the problem was of your own making; equally, avoid ‘blaming’ someone else for the problem
☛ DO talk about what you did, rather than your coursemates, for example, as you are the only interesting person to the interviewers right now

4 :: Tell us why Do You Want to Intern Here?

Sometimes students just need an internship, and they’ll take it where they can get it.

But the best candidates—the ones who will likely work hard and be excited to learn more about your industry and function—will be applying because they respect your company’s mission or have some connection to the work that’s done. Look for people who are really compelled to join your team.

5 :: Can you list your strengths?

The candidate should answer this question by providing areas that they believe they’re strong in. Additionally, they should back up their answers with practical examples to demonstrate why they have listed certain strengths.
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6 :: Can you tell me what was your biggest mistake?

Here’s another open-ended question that can elicit strong answers from a strong candidate. This will challenge your internship candidates to think over a difficult period either from school, other internships, or in their extracurriculars, which can illustrate how they would handle adversity.

This is another powerful question to ask during an interview because probably won’t get you a canned response. Instead, the candidate will be put on the spot and need to think hard about their response, which will get you a true sense of how the candidate would perform in a pinch.

7 :: Explain me the impact of a project that you worked on in a previous role?

An intern could one day become a manager or director within your organization. One way to identify leadership qualities early on is to see whether the person you’re interviewing has passion for it.

Instead of focusing on what the prospective intern has done, try to assess his or her level of enthusiasm when talking about past contributions. Pay attention to the parts of the narrative that explain
☛ (1) how the student identified the ‘problem’ to be tackled,
☛ (2) how the student developed the solution,
☛ (3) how the student collaborated with team members, and
☛ (4) how the student prioritizes outcomes and results.

8 :: Tell me what made you step into the world of digital marketing?

I have always had a deep interest in marketing, and ever since I obtained my business degree with a major in digital marketing, I have been pining to work in this capacity. Also, the fact that digital marketing is the future of marketing, made me interested in this work.

9 :: Explain me what makes you a good choice to hire at a digital marketer’s position at our company?

As someone who is highly experienced in developing distinct online presences of various types of companies, I believe that I will be a good choice. With over 7 years of experience in handling social media marketing, PPC campaigns, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing and search engine optimizations, I believe that I am ready to take on this role.

10 :: Tell us how do you prioritise your work?

You won’t be doing fake work on your internship or placement and you may be very busy at times. Internship interviewers often ask this because they want to get a sense of whether they can trust you with tasks that will ultimately have an impact on the wider business.

Good answers to this common interview question on prioritization acknowledge that:

☛ the quality of your work and ability to meet deadlines has an impact on the workload of your colleagues
☛ you may sometimes have to stop what you’re doing in order to work on something more urgent
☛ it is appropriate to ask your supervisor what to prioritise if you’re not sure (but your supervisor would expect you to have thought about your priorities beforehand)
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