Junior School Teacher Interview Preparation Guide
Sharpen your Junior School Teacher interview expertise with our handpicked 75 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Junior School Teacher to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Secure the free PDF to access all 75 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Junior School Teacher interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.75 Junior School Teacher Questions and Answers:
1 :: What is the meaning of a primary caregiver to a child?
This is a term used instead of 'mother' or 'father', as many children today are raised by one parent or another person entirely, be it relative or friend. This term avoids calling attention to each child's state. If there are children in the class whose primary caregiver is not the mother, sensitivity and forethought will allow you to tell all kinds of stories without upsetting or embarrassing children.
2 :: What is IEP (individualized education plan)?
The IEP, Individualized Education Program, is a written document that's developed for each public school child who is eligible for special education. The IEP is created through a team effort and reviewed at least once a year. Before an IEP can be written, your child must be eligible for special education.
3 :: How do you teach the state standards?
If you interview in the United States, school administrators love to talk about state, local, or national standards! Reassure your interviewer that everything you do ties into standards. Be sure the lesson plans in your portfolio have the state standards typed right on them. When they ask about them, pull out your lesson and show them the close ties between your teaching and the standards.
4 :: Describe your discipline philosophy?
You use lots of positive reinforcement. You are firm, but you don't yell. You have appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior. You have your classroom rules posted clearly on the walls. You set common routines that students follow. You adhere to the school's discipline guidelines. Also, emphasize that you suspect discipline problems will be minimal because your lessons are very interesting and engaging to students. Don't tell the interviewer that you "send kids to the principal's office" whenever there is a problem. You should be able to handle most discipline problems on your own. Only students who have committed very serious behavior problems should be sent to the office.
5 :: If I walked into your classroom during an outstanding lesson, what would I see and hear?
I'd like to hear about: animated discussions, students clearly making progress as evidenced in oral and written contributions. High quality visual displays of students' work showing progress. High levels of engagement. Behaviour that supports learning.
6 :: Tell us about your-self?
This will be among the first common teacher interview questions at almost every in-person. Just give a brief background in about three sentences. Tell them what colleges you graduated from, what you're certified to teach, what your teaching & working experiences are, and why you'd love the job.
7 :: Why do we teach ABC in schools?
This question really throws people. If it is maths or English they sometimes look back at you as if you are mad. They assume it is obvious - a very dangerous assumption - and then completely fail to justify the subject's existence.
"Whatever the subject, I expect to hear things like: to improve skills and independent learning; to encourage team work; to gain a qualification; for enjoyment (very important, rarely mentioned); to enhance other subjects; to develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills; to improve career prospects; self discipline; memory development; to encourage life-long learning in that subject. The list goes on…
"Whatever the subject, I expect to hear things like: to improve skills and independent learning; to encourage team work; to gain a qualification; for enjoyment (very important, rarely mentioned); to enhance other subjects; to develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills; to improve career prospects; self discipline; memory development; to encourage life-long learning in that subject. The list goes on…
8 :: How would you handle a particular situation in the KG classroom?
This question is more or less aimed at finding out whether you can think on your feet and how child-appropriate your course of action or thought is. Describe how you handle children wanting the same toy. Or what you would do if one child ruin's his classmate's art project or kicks and hits.
Detail how each child is spoken to; how you focus your attention on the injured party.
Detail how each child is spoken to; how you focus your attention on the injured party.
9 :: How to make sure you meet the needs of a student with an IEP?
An IEP is an "individualized education plan." Students with special needs will be given an IEP, or a list of things that you must do when teaching the child. An IEP might include anything from "additional time for testing" to "needs all test questions read aloud" to "needs to use braille textbook." How do you ensure you're meeting the needs of a student with an IEP? First, read the IEP carefully. If you have questions, consult a special education teacher, counselor, or other staff member who can help you. Then, you just make sure you follow the requirements on the IEP word for word. When necessary, you may be asked to attend a meeting in which you can make suggestions for updating the IEP. Your goal, and the goal of the IEP, is to make sure the student has whatever he or she needs to be successful in your class.
10 :: Why do you want to work in this school?
We want to see clear indications that candidates have done background work about our school and can talk about why the way we work appeals to them. We'd always want candidates to have visited the school so they should be able to flesh this out with specific examples of what they thought based on their visit.