Job Performance Review Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Job Performance Review interview with our extensive list of 35 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Job Performance Review expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF now to get all 35 questions and ensure youre well-prepared for your Job Performance Review interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

35 Job Performance Review Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is a job performance review?

An annual performance review involves a formal discussion about an employee's development and performance. The review is a planning process. It involves setting a plan of action for the next period and reviewing what has been achieved in the last period.
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2 :: List some steps to use performance review to get promoted?

Here are 4 steps to use performance review to get promoted:
☛ State your intent to be promoted
☛ Define and agree the specific end-goals
☛ Set intermediate goals
☛ Deliver like hell

3 :: How would you define and agree the specific end goals?

You will need to achieve your promotion with your manager. You could also use your first appraisal to assess and measure your current position against these goals objectively, by using direct feedback from your appraiser, self-assessment and 360 degree feedback from your colleagues, superiors and subordinates (if you manage any.)

4 :: Why to state your intent to be promoted?

This is an important test, as you are seeking feedback that you are:
a) on the right path to be promoted to the role you desire.
b) the time frame in which you want to achieve it is realistic.
c) there is a genuine opportunity that a vacancy exists, or could exist, to be promoted into.

5 :: Why should you deliver perfectly?

Now that you know how to get there with the agreement and support of your manager your plan, roll up your sleeves and deliver with gusto and verve. Do not let anything get in your way. If you are faced with a challenge you can not overcome by yourself, ask for guidance from your manager. Use your one on one meetings to make course corrections and to receive coaching towards your goals.
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6 :: Why to set intermediate goals to get promoted using performance review?

Set smart objectives with your manager that challenge you to build on or change the required behaviors, competencies and skills in stages. Set these throughout the whole Performance Review Period.

7 :: List some tips to answer questions about performance review?

A little preparation before the review can give you the confidence you need to handle a potentially difficult conversation:
☛ Attitude is Key
☛ Prepare and Reflect
☛ Practice Makes Perfect
☛ The Future

8 :: What are the benefits of delivering perfectly?

Benefits of delivering perfectly:
☛ It makes the whole process as transparent as possible, reducing the possibilities of subjectivity and discretion.
☛ You have a clear set of goals and measures throughout your Performance Appraisal Period in order to achieve your promotion.
☛ It encourages your manager to nurture your development towards your promotion.
☛ It is motivating.

9 :: How would you prepare and reflect?

Review your achievements and failures during the past year and write a brief summary of each one. This forces you to focus on outcomes, rather than on extraneous details. When your boss asks you about these items, draw on your prepared summary.

10 :: What do you mean by attitude is key?

It can be hard to maintain a positive attitude when your boss questions your work. Although you may feel angry, upset or defensive, keep those feelings to yourself. Keep in mind that the purpose of the performance review is to help you become an even better employee. Your supervisor uses questions as tools to help you think about what you could have done differently in situations or what you can do better in the future. Answer questions truthfully, and take ownership of your part in any problems during the past year. You may feel less nervous about the review if you compile a list of questions you think your boss might ask.
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