Interesting Career Interview Preparation Guide

Interesting Career Frequently Asked Questions in various Interesting Careers job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting
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26 Interesting Careers Questions and Answers:

1 :: List some interesting careers?

10 Interesting Careers:
☛ Spy
☛ Architect
☛ Journalist
☛ Meteorologist or Climatologist
☛ Airline pilot
☛ Forensic pathologist
☛ Barrister
☛ City trader
☛ Art restorer
☛ Volcanologist
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2 :: Tell me what is an architect?

As an architect, you will be part of a respected profession that allows you to put your intelligence and imagination to good use in working with different materials and designing buildings that can shape the way people live their lives. Not just anybody can call themselves an architect, though, you have to go through an official route that protects the profession so that people can be confident that they are hiring a fully qualified architect who has passed an approved course. It takes a long time to train as an architect.

3 :: Can you tell me about the journalist?

The beauty of being a journalist is that you can specialize in an area you find interesting and make a living from keeping people informed about it. Unlike architecture, there is no set route to getting into journalism. Many journalists start off by doing undergraduate degrees in other things, such as english, history or politics, they then do a masters degree or postgraduate diploma in journalism to learn journalistic skills and knowledge such as media law and shorthand.

4 :: Please define meteorologist or climatologist?

A meteorologist studies and predicts short-term weather patterns, while a climatologist looks at longer-term trends in the Earth's climate, over hundreds or even thousands of years. You do not have to be a TV weather presenter if you want to be a meteorologist. There are plenty of behind the scenes jobs too.

5 :: Do you know what is an airline pilot?

A career as an airline pilot remains prestigious and desirable, with unrivaled travel opportunities and the best office view anybody could wish for. Contrary to popular belief, you do not actually need a maths degree to become an airline pilot, in fact, many people go straight from school into an airline training school. However, you will find some knowledge of maths and physics useful when embarking on the tough ground school elements of airline pilot training, as you will need to learn about the forces that keep an aeroplane in the air, calculate flight times and fuel consumption and so on. To become an airline pilot, you will have to complete fourteen rigorous exams, hundreds of hours of flight training and courses that will teach you how to work with an airline crew.
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6 :: What is a forensic pathologist?

Figuring out how someone unexpectedly and potentially violently, met their end may be grizzly work, but it is also morbidly fascinating. It is been glamorized by television shows, but despite this the number of people practicing forensic pathology is surprisingly small. If this is a career that interests you, you will have to go to medical school and complete foundation training. After graduating from medical school, you will need to start by studying histopathology (of which forensic pathology is a specialist branch), before taking an exam from the College of Pathologists and then moving on to forensic pathology in year two or three of post-graduate study, this post-graduate training will take five years in total.

7 :: Can you tell me about a city trader?

They may have had a tough time of it over the last few years thanks to the credit crunch, but with the economy starting to pick up again, a career as a city trader is still very much worth considering for those who feel they would thrive in this high-pressure environment. If you feel it is the career for you, you will need a degree with a minimum of 2:1. It does not necessarily matter what your degree is in but certain subjects lend themselves more to this profession, notably economics, mathematics, politics, business and finance. Securing an internship prior to applying for proper jobs will be advantageous to you.

8 :: Tell me something about a barrister?

If you think you would be good at articulate speeches, rigorous cross-examinations and lightning-fast thinking, a career as a barrister could be for you. The route to this profession starts with a university degree. This does not have to be in law, you could study something else and then complete a conversion course. This is followed by the official bar professional training course, which can be completed in a year full-time or two years part-time. After that you will enter the Pupil age phase, during which you will spend a year as a pupil in a barrister's chambers or other approved organisation. You will then be able to start practicing, either self-employed or in an existing practice.

9 :: Tell me something about spy?

Spy is officially known as an intelligence officer, the work of a spy is by its very nature shrouded in secrecy, so there is not an awful lot we can tell you about what they get up to but what is very clear is that you will have to be able to keep a secret.

10 :: What is a volcanologist?

If you do not mind getting into a dangerous profession and you like the sound of getting up close and personal with active, dormant or extinct volcanoes, you could become a volcanologist. As a volcanologist, you will travel to some remote corners of the globe to study these destructive forces of nature, predicting eruptions and quite possibly saving lives. Volcanologist's work covers a number of scientific fields, including geography, geology and earth sciences and chemistry. Any of these subjects at undergraduate level will give you a good foundation for becoming a volcanologist and after this you will become more specialize with the addition of further study at masters and PhD level. Volcanologists are employed by universities for research and teaching, as well as governments for monitoring and hazard reduction. You also have the option of working at a volcano observatory, monitoring a specific volcano to ensure that an emergency response can be coordinated in plenty of time in the event of a possible eruption.
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