Insurance Agent Interview Preparation Guide

Insurance Agent Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Agent job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview
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108 Insurance Agent Questions and Answers:

2 :: Tell me how does this position, fit into your career plans?

It would help me learn how to be a leader, and teach me how to negotiate, and be more organized.

3 :: Tell me what is a premium’?

It is the amount to be paid for a contract of insurance to the insurance company. It is the sum that a person pays monthly, quarterly or annually according to their plan, in return of the coverage he/she has taken from the insurance company.

4 :: Tell us what is no-claim bonus?

No claim bonus is a benefit for those who have not claimed insurance during the preceding year of cover. This will lower the premium on the following year.

5 :: Tell us what do you mean by ‘Deductible’?

Deductible is one of the several types of clause that are used by the insurance company as a threshold for policy payment for health insurance or travel insurance. Deductible is a decided amount that you have to pay from your pocket while claiming the insurance. For example, you have a deductible of $500, and you have insurance coverage for $2000, then you are responsible for paying for $500 and the remaining amount $1500 will be paid by insurance company.
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6 :: Do you know how to claim the policy?

In order to claim the policy, you have to fill up the claim form and contact your financial advisor from whom you have bought the policy. You have to supplement all the required documents like original payment receipt to your insurance company. If everything is ok, you will be paid within seven days of the policy claimed.

7 :: Tell me what do you mean by ‘Additional Insured’?

‘Additional Insured’ is the status associated mainly with property insurance and liability insurance. The additional insured will be protected under the main policy holder. For example a vehicle insurance policy which covers all the members of family and not only the owner.

8 :: Tell us what is subrogation?

‘Subrogation’ is referred as the process of seeking reimbursement from the responsible party for a claim that they had already paid. For example, you have an accident where your car gets damaged,and you have car insurance, the insurance company will pay you the money. But the insurance company comes to know that the accident occur due to other party fault, now they will claim themoney from the other party this is known as ‘subrogation’.

9 :: Explain me what is an ‘Endowment Policy’?

An endowment policy is a combination of saving along with risk cover. This type of policy is specially designed to accumulate wealth and at the same time cover your life. In this type of policy the insured will pay a regular premium for specific time period. And in case of death the money will be paid to beneficiary but, if you outlive the policy tenure, you will receive the sum assured along with accumulated bonus.

10 :: Tell me what is third party Insurance?

An insurance policy that covers the damage caused by another person or party is known as third party Insurance. In this type of insurance, the insured is the first party, insurance company is the second party while the damage done by another is referred as the third party. This type of Insurance policy is purchased for vehicles, so that in case of the accident they can claim it.
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