Informatica Data Warehousing Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your Informatica Data Warehousing interview skills with our 64 critical questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Informatica Data Warehousing expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF to have all 64 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure youre interview-ready.

64 Informatica Data Warehousing Questions and Answers:

1 :: If two relational tables are connected to SQ Trans, what are the possible errors it will be thrown?

The only two possibilities as of I know is

Both the table should have primary key/foreign key relation ship
Both the table should be available in the same schema or same database
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2 :: What is a command that used to run a batch?

pmcmd is used to start a batch.

3 :: How to stop a batch?

By using server manager or pmcmd.

4 :: What is EDW?

EDW is Enterprise Datawarehouse which means that its a centralised DW for the whole organization.

this apporach is the apporach on Imon which relies on the point of having a single warehouse/centralised where the kimball apporach says to have seperate data marts for each vertical/department.

Advantages of having a EDW:

1. Golbal view of the Data
2. Same point of source of data for all the users acroos the organization.
3. able to perform consistent analysis on a single Data Warehouse.

to over come is the time it takes to develop and also the management that is required to build a centralised database.

5 :: What is the Difference between static cache and dynamic cache?

Static cache:
We can not insert or update the cache.

Dynamic cache:
We can insert rows into the cache as we pass to the target.
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6 :: Explain What is batch and describe about types of batches?

Batch--- is a group of any thing

Different batches ----Different groups of different things.

There are two types of batches
1. Concurrent
2. Sequential

7 :: Explain What are the tasks that Loadmanger process will do?

Manages the session and batch scheduling: Whe you start the informatica server the load maneger launches and queries the repository for a list of sessions configured to run
on the informatica server.When you configure the session the loadmanager maintains list of list of sessions and session start times.When you sart a session loadmanger fetches the session information from the repository to perform the validations and verifications prior to starting DTM process.

Locking and reading the session: When the informatica server starts a session lodamaager locks the session from the repository.Locking prevents you starting the session again and again.

Reading the parameter file: If the session uses a parameter files,loadmanager reads the parameter file and verifies that the session level parematers are declared in the file
Verifies permission and privelleges: When the sesson starts load manger checks whether or not the user have privelleges to run the session.

Creating log files: Loadmanger creates logfile contains the status of session.

8 :: Explain What is the limit to the number of sources and targets you can have in a mapping?

As per my knowledge there is no such restriction to use this number of sources or targets inside a mapping.

Question is " if you make N number of tables to participate at a time in processing what is the position of your database. I organization point of view it is never encouraged to use N number of tables at a time, It reduces database and informatica server performance

9 :: What is Session and Batches?

Session - A Session Is A set of instructions that tells the Informatica Server How And When To Move Data From Sources To Targets. After creating the session, we can use
either the server manager or the command line program pmcmd to start or stop the session.
Batches - It Provides A Way to Group Sessions For Either Serial Or Parallel
Execution By The Informatica Server.
There Are Two Types Of Batches :
Sequential - Run Session One after the Other.
Concurrent - Run Session At The Same Time.

10 :: What is the difference between Power Center and Power Mart?

What is the procedure for creating Independent Data Marts from Informatica 7.1?

power center powermart

no.of repository n No. n No.

applicability high end WH low&mid range WH

global repository supported not supported

local repository supported supported

ERP support available not available
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