IR Executive Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your IR Executive interview skills with our 52 critical questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in IR Executive. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Access the free PDF to get all 52 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your IR Executive interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

52 IR Executive Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is Morale?

The feeling of confidence and optimism with respect to problems or task is termed as Morale.
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2 :: Explain me what Is Attribution?

Attribution refers simply to how people explain the cause of another’s or their own behavior. It is the process by which people draw conclusions about the factors that influence, or make sense of, one another’s behavior.

3 :: Tell us what Is Job Enlargement?

It means the expanding the tasks or duties assigned to a given task, or duties assigned to a given job.

4 :: Tell us what Should The Language Of Charge-sheet?

Language which is very commonly understood.

5 :: Explain me what Is Strategic Hrm?

The optimum utilization of human resources to achieve the set goals and objectives in the business environment is termed as Strategic HRM.
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6 :: Do you know what is CLOSURE?

Closure means permanent closing down of a place of employment or part thereof.

7 :: Tell us what are FRINGE BENEFITS?

These are monetary benefits provided to employees. They include the benefit of:
☛ (a) Provident fund,
☛ (b) Gratuity,
☛ (c) Medical care,
☛ (d) Hospitalization payment,
☛ (e) Accident relief,
☛ (f) Health and Group insurance,
☛ (g) Subsidized canteen facilities,
☛ (h) Recreational facilities, and
☛ (i) Provision of uniforms to employees.

8 :: Tell us what is Strategic HRM?

The optimum utilization of human resources to achieve the set goals and objectives in the business environment is termed as Strategic HRM.

9 :: Tell us why is it important to have an IR system in place?

It is important to have an IR system in place

☛ To ensure that the workers are not over powered and used by the employer.
☛ To ensure that the workers do not blackmail the employers with unnecessary demand leading to a loss of production
☛ To ensure that the economy keeps growing
☛ To ensure that even if a problem arises, it is solved amicably.

10 :: Explain me the unitary perspective of IR from employee point of view?

The unitary approach from employee’s point of view means that:

☛ The purpose of a union is to act as a means of better communication between all the parties.
☛ All the parties should focus on good relationships and good working terms and conditions
☛ There should be flexibility in working practices.
☛ Employees should have a participation in workplace decisions. This promotes teamwork, creativity, problem solving abilities.
☛ Employees should have a feeling that the skills of their managers support them in their work.
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