IELTS Speaking Test Interview Preparation Guide

Sharpen your IELTS Speaking interview expertise with our handpicked 27 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your IELTS Speaking expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Get the free PDF download to access all 27 questions and excel in your IELTS Speaking interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
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27 IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers:

1 :: Where is your hometown?

My hometown's in City Name, which is the capital city of my country. It's located in the north of the country, not really that far from the southern border.
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2 :: Is there much to do in your hometown?

Oh yes, there's certainly lots to do there as it's a fairly big city. If you like going out in the evening there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you prefer cultural activities there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature there are lots of other things outside of the city which are easy to reach.

3 :: What are the people like in your hometown?

They are mostly quite friendly, but as with most big cities everyone is often busy so it may seem as if they are not interested in speaking or having a chat. But if you live there you know that most people are quite happy to have a chat if they have time and will help you if needed.

4 :: Do you think everyone should learn to swim?

Of course, I think it's very important. Firstly, you spend much of your life on holiday by water, for example, when you go to the beach on holiday, so you won't be able to enjoy yourself with your friends if you can't swim. Also, for safety reasons it's very important. You often hear about sad accidents involving young children so it's very important.

5 :: Can you swim?

Yes I can. I learnt at school when I was about 7 years old. Swimming lessons were compulsory at our school, like most schools I think.
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6 :: Are there many places to swim near you?

Yes, there are a few public swimming pools. There is the main indoor one at a big sports complex in the center of town. There are also a couple of outdoor ones, but you can only use them in summer as it is be too cold in winter. One is a big one in a park, the other is a much smaller one.

7 :: Are there many art galleries where you live?

No, not that I know of. I live in a small town so I don't think there are any, though we do have a few museums and other cultural institutions. In our capital city there are quite a few art galleries, however.

8 :: Did you like to go to art galleries when you were a child?

I've never been that interested in art to be honest, so not really. We were taken to one as part of a trip when I was at school. It has a lot of paintings from famous artists from our country. It was quite interesting to see I guess but I've not been to any since.

9 :: Should people have to pay to go to art galleries?

I think it depends really. If possible they should be free because if people do have to pay they are less likely to go and see it. But on the other hand these things cost money so a small fee may be necessary if it can keep the art gallery going and keep it open. Ideally though the government should pay for this as I believe this kind of thing is paid for by our taxes.

10 :: What kind of books do you like to read?

I mostly like to read biographies. I'm not sure why but it is interesting to read about people's real lives, especially when they have had interesting lives and have had to deal with many problems. I do read fiction as well, but I often find it difficult to get hold of a book that I really like. I also like reading about books to do with current affairs.
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