Hospital Nurse Interview Preparation Guide

Hospital Nurse based Frequently Asked Questions in various Hospital Nurse job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting
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46 Hospital Nurse Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us how you deal with someone who isn’t satisfied with your patient care?

Here is a great example of a behavioral question. The interviewer is asking you for a concrete example of how you handle a situation. Remember, as we discussed above, give your interviewer an example from your past and how you dealt with a situation, so they can get a feel for how you would behave in a similar situation in the future.
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2 :: Tell me why do you want to work for this hospital/organization?

In this nurse interview question, which is often her first, Bryant is looking to find out not only that nurses have taken the time to learn about the organization, but what is particularly attractive to them.

“Sometimes people won’t have an answer to this question and if other parts of the interview are great, I will still hire them. But I am looking for people who particularly want to work at this hospital.”

3 :: Tell us what are your weaknesses?/What is your area of greatest opportunity?

“I actually don’t like this question all that much and only use it when necessary. It might actually signal to the interviewee that the interview isn’t going that well,” Bryant commented.

But how should you respond if you are asked this question?

“Of course you want to spin your weakness into a positive and/or show that you are willing to invest in your own self-improvement.”

4 :: Can you tell us what made you choose nursing as a career?

I’ve always loved nursing, but my interest in healthcare really started when I volunteered at a homeless shelter in college. This really inspired me to pursue a career where I could devote my time to looking after others. The more times I volunteered, the more I knew that nursing was what I really wanted to do.

I wanted to do something that is challenging, interesting and make’s a real difference in people’s lives. I feel very passionate about the healthcare profession and also see it as a way of contributing positively to society.

5 :: Can you tell us what did you like least about your last job?

There was nothing I really hated. Sometimes we would be a little short of nurses on the unit and I remember a couple of nurses were not pulling their weight as much as they could.

This made my tasks a little more exhausting than they should have been as I had to shoulder the extra responsibility. After about 6 months of this I was starting to get a little worn down and felt I wasn’t giving my own patients they proper attention they should be receiving. So that was a bit annoying. But, as I said, I never hated the job or became resentful.
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6 :: Explain me how would you handle a patient who complains?

Some patients like to complain about everything. It’s just their nature and also I understand that they can be worried about being in a hospital. So I always try to be very patient and reassure them that we were doing our very best for them.

I would confer with the attending doctor to make sure that the patient’s pain was being managed effectively and tell the patient that everything possible was being done to alleviate their discomfort. At all times I would listen sympathetically to their complaint, reassure them that their concerns were being heard and that we were doing everything possible to help them.

7 :: Tell me what would you do if your replacement didn’t arrive?

Well, I definitely wouldn’t leave the unit. I’d wait for a decent amount of time and then talk to my supervisor and offer to stay until they turned up or someone else was found to fill in for her.

This has happened a few times and I usually try calling to see if they are on their way or what’s holding them up. It’s just a matter of using common sense and not rushing off because the person hasn’t arrived on time. But they had better have a good reason why they’re late.

8 :: Explain me do you have any professional affiliations?

Yes I do. I feel it’s important to stay informed about the nursing profession. I’m a member of the American Nurses Association and the California State Nurses Association.

9 :: Tell us why did you decide on a career as a nurse?

While this isn’t exactly a behavioral question, it’s still one you need to be prepared to answer ahead of time. Because this is such a hands-on, specialized field, employers need to know what it is that makes you want to be a part of it. Don’t be afraid to get a little personal with your answer…just don’t go overboard!

10 :: Tell us why are you the best nursing candidate for this position?

Oh man, this question is actually the best question you could hope to be asked. Why? Because this is your opportunity to really sell the hiring manager on why you’re the Perfect Candidate without actually saying those words (no, really, don’t say those words…)
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