Hardware and Software Design Interview Preparation Guide

Hardware and Software Design Interview Questions and Answers will guide you to learn the basics of the computer hardware and software designing and get a better job, so get preparation for an interview of computer hardware and software design with the help of this computer Hardware and Software Design Interview Questions with Answers guide
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15 Hardware and Software Design Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is testing? What is unit testing, integration testing, etc?

Testing is used for estimate the quality of the product. Unit Testing is tested for each part of the product. Integrate the unit and tested.
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2 :: What is waterfall model, prototype model?

waterfall model is the linear model. The process is done by step by step. We couldn't stop in between of the process. prototype model: after get the model by low cost budget only we are implementing that product. so, its efficient.

3 :: In C++, what is a constructor, destructor?

In C++

Constructor:This is a member of class which involkes when the object is created.Purpose of constructor is to intialise the objects with required values.

Destructor: It is a member of class which involkes when the object is out of scope.The purpose of destructor is to clear the heap memory.

4 :: Can recursive programs be written in C++, Write a recursive program to calculate factorial in C++?

#include #include int fact (int ); void main() { int n, a; cout<<"enter any value"; cin>>n; a=fact(n); cout<< a; getch(); } int fact (int x) { if((x==0) || (x==1)) return 1; else return(x*(x-1)); }

5 :: What is binary search, traversal, hashing?

Binary Search: Search a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. Begin with an interval covering the whole array. If the value of the search key is less than the item in the middle of the interval, narrow the interval to the lower half. Otherwise narrow it to the upper half. Repeatedly check until the value is found or the interval is empty.

Hashing provides a fast way to search a large, unsorted data set at the cost of extra memory. It is described as "directly referencing records in a table by doing arithmetic transformations on keys into table addresses."
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6 :: What is a kernel, shell?

A shell is a program that presents an interface to various operating system functions and services. The shell is so called because it is an outer layer of interface between the user and the innards of the operating system (the kernel). Kernel is the one which manages all the resources of the Operating System.

7 :: Is DOS a real time OS?

DOS is not a RTOS (real time Operating system), however MS DOS can be used with certain APIs to achieve the RTOS functionality. For example, the RT Kernel (Real Time Kernel) which can be used with MS DOs to achieve the RTOS functionality. Other example is of Tics. Tics is delivered as a hardware support file for MS DOS.

8 :: Name some real time OSs?

Real-time operating systems are: QNX, LynxOS, OS-9, Intergrity, Katix, Fusion, IRIX, DeltaOS, eCos, AMX, CMX-RTX, INTime, PDOS and many others.

9 :: What is a real time system?

A real time system is a computer system that updates the information at the same rate it receives it. It is of two types, hard real time system and a soft real time system.

10 :: Is RISC always fast?

because it has got seperate program and data memory(highly pipelined architecture)
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