HR Director Interview Preparation Guide

HR Director related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as HR Director. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts
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40 HR Director Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us why have you been out of work so long, and how many others were laid off?

This HR interview question may also be followed by the more direct, “Why were you laid off?” Kennedy says it is an attempt to figure out if there’s something wrong with you that your former company or that other potential employers have already discovered. The HR interviewer may be trying to determine if themes of recession and budget cuts were used to dump second-string employees, including you. Rather than answering the question directly and chancing an emotional response or misinterpretation, Kennedy advises punting. Respond: “I don’t know the reason. I was an excellent employee who gave more than a day’s work for a day’s pay.”
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2 :: Tell us how does this position compare with others you’re applying for?

“The intent of this HR interview question is to gather intel on the competitive job market or get a handle on what it will take to bring you on board,” says Kennedy. There are two directions to take: Coy or calculated. “You can choose a generic strategy and say you don’t interview and tell, and respect the privacy of any organization where you interview,” she notes. Or you could try to make yourself appear in demand by confirming you’ve received another competitive offer, which may up the bidding for your services. Always bring the focus back to this position, by asking: “Have I found my destination here?”

3 :: Tell us what do you look for when recruiting someone for management?

Good managers are a vital part of any company. In my experience, managers who have even some experience doing the job of those under them are more effective than those who have only ever worked in management. I try to hire managers who are people-oriented rather than process-oriented. When managers are focused on helping people achieve their goals and have meaningful connections with others, they are able to inspire more productive and satisfied workers.

4 :: Explain me how You Would Approach Managing Employees?

This section of the HR Manager interview questions and answers gives you an opportunity to tell your interviewer a little more about your personal style of management. Letting your potential employer know about your past experiences is a great idea here. Give real examples from your past positions to illustrate your HR managerial brand. You could give a step by step analysis of how you will approach certain aspects of your position in relation to the employees you will be working with. You could also give an example of how you have managed employees in the past.

5 :: As you know I see, there’s some gap in your work history. Why?

Yes, I was feeling exhausted after years of non-stop work. So, I decided to take a break and spend some time with my family on a rejuvenating vacation. I am happy to have returned fully recharged.
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6 :: Tell us would you like to ask us anything?

I would like to know about the career growth I can expect being with this company. I am quite an ambitious person and this information will be helpful.

7 :: Explain me what do you do to improve your knowledge?

The field of IT is very revolutionary. It is extremely important to keep yourself abreast with the new technological developments and this needs you to take some time out of your work schedule so that you can keep sharpening your saw.

To answer this question, you can tell the recruiter about the forums which you keep visiting, blogs which you keep reading. It will be an advantage if you are a member of some local user group.

8 :: Can you tell us are you comfortable working in a team?

The whole work of software development or IT is a team work. So, the only answer to this question can be: “Yes, I am comfortable working in a team.” If you have any problems in working as a team, it is important to work on them and develop yourself as a team player.

9 :: Please tell us do you know anyone who works for us?

This one really is a tricky HR interview question, says Kennedy, because most interviewees expect that knowing someone on the inside is always a good thing. “Nothing beats having a friend deliver your resume to a hiring manager, but that transaction presumes the friend is well thought of in the company,” she says. Because the HR interviewer will likely associate the friend’s characteristics and reputation with your merits, she recommends only mentioning someone by name if you’re certain of their positive standing in the organization.

10 :: Please explain what are the responsibilities of a personnel manager compared to a human resources director?

The human resources director is involved in proactive tactics to strengthen the company by strengthening the overall communication and effectiveness of the managers and employees. Someone employed as a personnel manager is responsible for responding and reacting to issues among the personnel in a company. Though personnel management can be involved in motivating employees by providing bonuses and rewards, the HR director is responsible for helping managers and other personnel perform at their best to yield better results and satisfaction. This sometimes involves bonuses and rewards, but as an experienced HR director, I apply a more nuanced approach that includes developing good policies and procedures and encouraging proper training and leadership development among employees to lead to cooperative success across teams.
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