Government CDS Interview Preparation Guide

Optimize your Government CDS interview preparation with our curated set of 113 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Government CDS interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Get the free PDF download to access all 113 questions and excel in your Government CDS interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
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113 Government CDS Questions and Answers:

1 :: How to talk on interview in one person?

We are talking in simple English language we speaking very
confident so that why you can select in interview.
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2 :: How many ssbs you have faced why u unable to get through?

coz at that time i was poor in English and lacking of confident

3 :: What improvement you want to make in your unit. (you are serving as an soldier)?

I will take classes in trapping enemies under emergency
conditions and how to tackle the terrorists.Then will
provide Technical knowledge about weapons,war
tactics,machines etc, as much as i can give to them and at
once i will get feedback from them and will do what they need.

4 :: Evrybody says to be truthful during the full ssb period. When asked to give one`s negative qualities should we be truthful here too?

Yes we should be truthful.We must disclose the negative
qualities when asked because it is not that we go to the SSB
only for getting selected but remember after all we are
going to serve the country.

5 :: What type of people u like often meeting and why, What type of people u avoid meeting?

i would like to meet the people who care for their
belongings more than theirselves. i also would like to meet
the people who are not selfish, who don't only thik of
themselves, they also think about our country.
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6 :: You R The DC of your District, What steps will u take for the over all development of the area?

yes if am the dc of my distict then firstly i wish to watch
out the real corruption of my distirct.i will start the work
from my department if i found any corrupted junior police
officer then i will suggest him to not to do the thats type of
mistakes, and after that i will suggest the junior officers to
handle their work very carefully and suggest them to watch out
their junior employee.

7 :: Why to join Indian army?

1.Firstly for my dream as it will be the dream come true for me

2. Its really a matter of pride as we will be serving humanity as well mankind..

3. Army persons are complete gentlemen and complete men.So, love to follow that lifestyle..

3. No recession as well as Huge incentives,allowances and complete insurance being given by indian army..

8 :: Explain about India China relation?

I the current situation, as USA is trying to become the
Father of the whole world and almost India's whole buissness
is dependent on USA,India has become bound to USA.In such
situation China is the only country who is getting devoloped
in every respect day by day so it is more beneficial for
india to be good with China to controll the futer controll
on Indian Economy

9 :: Why India making ties with Iran?

As Iran is the fourth largest producer of oil,which we need
in large quantities to meet the demands of developing
economy therefore it pays to have a good relation with Iran.
Moreover it is also beneficial to have an ally in the
Middle East(a rather troubled part of the world)which does
not see eye to eye with organisations like the Al Qaeda.It
should also be noted that a Middle Eastern ally can also
help us understand the intricacies of the region.Hence
having an ally like Iran would be greatly beneficial to our
foreign policy and it is for these very reasons that India
is making ties with Iran.

10 :: Tell me about your stay?

that is a new exposure for me........coming to allahabad,
which i never before n meeting with different people is a
fantastic experience. Girls are nice n frindly in
behaviour.and acommodationn food facilities are also good.
Instructors especially Lt.col.Sanjeev Kapoor inspired me
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