Generator Operator Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your Generator Operator interview skills with our 98 critical questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Generator Operator. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Get the free PDF download to access all 98 questions and excel in your Generator Operator interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

98 Generator Operator Questions and Answers:

1 :: Explain the methods for starting an induction motor?

The different methods of starting an induction motor:
a) DOL:direct online starter
b) Star delta starter
c) Auto transformer starter
d) Resistance starter
e) Series reactor starter
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2 :: Tell us how important is safety to you?

Safety in this profession is very important for every worker working inside the plant. A small mistake can lead to a big hazard and hence every minor chance of a mistake should be taken seriously.

3 :: Tell me what are the secondary engine parameters?

N2, N3, fuel flow, oil pressure, oil temperature, oil quantity and engine vibration. FCOM 1 70.20.1

4 :: Tell me what is your greatest weakness and what steps are you taking to improve?

Literature...But where this factor needs to be mastered, then there is no way back down.

5 :: Do you know principle of operation of a generator?

An electric generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. An electric generator is based on the principle that whenever flux is cut by a conductor, an e.m.f. is induced which will cause a current to flow if the conductor circuit is closed. The direction of induced e.m.f. (and hence current) is given by Fleming’s right hand rule.
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6 :: Tell me what are the different types of losses in DC Machines?

The losses in a d.c. machine (generator or motor) may be divided into three types

1. Copper losses: These losses occur due to currents in the various windings of the machine.
2. Iron or core losses: These losses occur in the armature of a d.c. machine and are due to the rotation of armature in the magnetic field of the poles. They are of two types
a. Hysteresis loss: Hysteresis loss occurs in the armature of the d.c. machine since any given part of the armature is subjected to magnetic field reversals as it passes under successive poles.
b. Eddy current loss: The voltages induced in the armature conductors produce circulating currents in the armature core known as eddy currents and power loss due to their flow is called eddy current loss. The eddy current loss appears as heat which raises the temperature of the machine and lowers its efficiency.

3. Mechanical losses: These losses are due to friction and windage. These losses depend upon the speed of the machine. But for a given speed, they are practically constant.

7 :: Tell me what will happen when power factor is leading in distribution of power?

If their is high power factor, i.e if the power factor is close to one:
a)Losses in form of heat will be reduced,
b)Cable becomes less bulky and easy to carry, and very cheap to afford, &
c)It also reduces over heating of tranformers.

8 :: What are different types of Control Systems?

Two major types of Control Systems are
1) Open loop Control System
2) Closed Loop Control Systems
Open loop Control Systems:The Open loop Control System is one in which the Output Quantity has no effect on the Input Quantity. No feedback is present from the output quantity to the input quantity for correction.
Closed Loop Control System:The Closed loop Control System is one in which the feedback is provided from the Output quantity to the input quantity for the correction so as to maintain the desired output of the system.

9 :: Do you know whats is MARX CIRCUIT?

It is used with generators for charging a number of capacitor in parallel and discharging them in series.It is used when voltage required for testing is higher than the available.

10 :: Tell me what are the advantage of free wheeling diode in a Full Wave rectifier?

It reduces the harmonics and it also reduces sparking and arching across the mechanical switch so that it reduces the voltage spike seen in a inductive load.
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