Fitness Analyst Interview Preparation Guide

Fitness Analyst based Frequently Asked Questions in various Fitness Analyst job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting
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84 Fitness Analyst Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us why Did You Decide To Become A Personal Trainer?

First of all I like to help people and I like to motivate people. And also my dad has diabetes and I would like to help people like my dad who have diabetes and struggle with their health and get them to a place of optimum health and fitness.
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2 :: Please explain what Would You Do If A Client Is Injured During A Workout At The Gym?

Such situations rarely occur since I am very vigilant and guide the clients thoroughly as they use the gym equipment. However if it does happen, I am CPR certified and fully capable of providing first aid and calling an ambulance if needed.

3 :: Have You Ever Helped Train A Friend? How Did That Work Out as Fitness Analyst?

I did help a lot of friends to train well if you have a look at almost all my high school friends everyone is ripped or big or even competing in bodybuilding shows because they were inspired by me..I was always there for all my friends either with a fitness program or being there trainer.

4 :: Tell us about An Experience You've Had Dealing With An Unhappy Customer?

I have dealt with unhappy customers on number of times. I work in sales so as you can imagine I get a lot of complaints but generally I listen to them and try come up with a solution that suits them and myself. If I cant handle the problem I refer them to my boss.

5 :: What is baseline activity?

Baseline activities are similar to ADLs being of a light-intensity and mainly consisting of the activities of daily life. If an individual does no other activity than that classed as baseline activity, they are considered to be inactive in fitness terms.
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6 :: What is circuit training?

A series of exercise stations of aerobic and strength training, with relatively brief rest intervals between each station. The number of stations may range from 6 to 10. Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina.

7 :: What is EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)?

Your body needs more oxygen after a workout in order to restore the oxygen stores in the blood and tissues, and to meet the still elevated heart rate’s oxygen requirements. EPOC is the reason your breathing rate remains heavy for a few minutes after finishing a workout.

8 :: What is karvonen formula?

A method used to calculate target heart rate, which factors resting heart rate into the equation, and is a good indicator of an individual’s state of fitness. The formula is: Target Heart Rate = ((max HR − resting HR) × %Intensity) + resting HR, where HR = heart rate.

9 :: What is Metabolic Equivalents (MET)s?

Metabolic Equivalents (MET)s is a physiological measure expressing the energy it takes to complete physical activities. It is frequently used as a measure of intensity on cardiovascular machines (treadmills e.g., stationary bikes e.g., Group Cycle, etc.). Some types of physical activities are assigned MET values, with the higher the number meaning the more intense the activity.

10 :: What is Rate of perceived exertion (RPE)?

The RPE is a scale is used to measure the intensity of an individual's exercise by asking them to rate how they feel (both physically and mentally) in relation to exercise fatigue on a scale of 6-20 (original scale) or 0 -10 (modified scale). On the 0-10 scale 1 is least and 10 is most.
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