ETL (Extract, transform, load) Interview Preparation Guide

Optimize your Extract, transform, load (ETL) interview preparation with our curated set of 37 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Extract, transform, load (ETL) to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Dont miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 37 questions to help you succeed in your Extract, transform, load (ETL) interview. Its an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

37 Extract, transform, load (ETL) Questions and Answers:

1 :: How to use procedural logic inside Infromatica? If yes how, if now how can we use external procedural logic in informatica?

We can use advanced external transformation. for more detail you can refer the manual of informatica transformation guide in that advance external transformation. You can use c++ language on unix and c++, vb vc++ on windows server.
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2 :: Explain What is partitioning? What are the types of partitioning?

If you use PowerCenter, you can increase the number of partitions in a pipeline to improve session performance. Increasing the number of partitions allows the Informatica Server to create multiple connections to sources and process partitions of source data concurrently.

When you create a session, the Workflow Manager validates each pipeline in the mapping for partitioning. You can specify multiple partitions in a pipeline if the Informatica Server can maintain data consistency when it processes the partitioned data.

When you configure the partitioning information for a pipeline, you must specify a partition type at each partition point in the pipeline.
The partition type determines how the Informatica Server redistributes data across partition points.

The Workflow Manager allows you to specify the following partition types:

Round-robin partitioning. The Informatica Server distributes data evenly among all partitions. Use round-robin partitioning where you want each partition to process approximately the same number of rows.

For more information, see Round-Robin Partitioning.
Hash partitioning. The Informatica Server applies a hash function to a partition key to group data among partitions. If you select hash auto-keys, the Informatica Server uses all grouped or sorted ports as the partition key. If you select hash user keys, you specify a number of ports to form the partition key. Use hash partitioning where you want to ensure that the Informatica Server processes groups of rows
with the same partition key in the same partition. For more
information, see Hash Partitioning.

Key range partitioning. You specify one or more ports to form a compound partition key. The Informatica Server passes data to each partition depending on the ranges you specify for each port. Use key range partitioning where the sources or targets in the pipeline are partitioned by key range. For more information, see Key Range Partitioning.
Pass-through partitioning. The Informatica Server passes all rows at one partition point to the next partition point without redistributing them. Choose pass-through partitioning where you want to create an additional pipeline stage to improve performance, but do not want to change the distribution of data across partitions.

3 :: Explain Do we need an ETL tool? When do we go for the tools in the market?

ETL Tool:

It is used to Extract(E) data from multiple source systems(like RDBMS,Flat files,Mainframes,SAP,XML etc) transform(T) them based on Business requirements and Load(L) in target locations.(like tables,files etc).

Need of ETL Tool:

An ETL tool is typically required when data scattered accross different systems.(like RDBMS,Flat files,Mainframes,SAP,XML etc).

4 :: Explain What is Informatica Metadata and where is it stored?

Informatica Metadata is data about data which stores in Informatica repositories.

5 :: Explain What is ETL process ?How many steps ETL contains explain with example?

ETL is extraction , transforming , loading process , you will extract data from the source and apply the business role on it then you will load it in the target

the steps are :
1-define the source(create the odbc and the connection to the source DB)
2-define the target (create the odbc and the connection to the target DB)
3-create the mapping ( you will apply the business role here by adding transformations , and define how the data flow will go from the source to the target )
4-create the session (its a set of instruction that run the mapping , )
5-create the work flow (instruction that run the session)
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6 :: How to call shell scripts from informatica?

Specify the Full path of the Shell script the "Post session properties
of session/workflow".

7 :: Explain What is the metadata extension?

Informatica allows end users and partners to extend the metadata stored in the repository by associating information with individual objects in the repository. For example, when you create a mapping, you can store your contact information with the mapping. You associate information with repository metadata using metadata extensions.

Informatica Client applications can contain the following types of metadata extensions:

Vendor-defined. Third-party application vendors create vendor-defined metadata extensions. You can view and change the values of vendor-defined metadata extensions, but you cannot create, delete, or redefine them.
User-defined. You create user-defined metadata extensions using PowerCenter/PowerMart. You can create, edit, delete, and view user-defined metadata extensions. You can also change the values of user-defined extensions.

8 :: Explain Is there any way to read the MS Excel Datas directly into Informatica?Like IS there any Possibilities to take excel file as target?

we cant directly import the xml file in informatica.
we have to define the microsoft excel odbc driver on our system. and define the name in exce sheet by defining ranges.
then in inforematica open the folder using sources ->import from database->select excel odbc driver->connect->select the excel sheet name .

9 :: Explain What are snapshots? What are materialized views & where do we use them? What is a materialized view log?

Snapshots are read-only copies of a master table located on a remote node which is periodically refreshed to reflect changes made to the master table. Snapshots are mirror or replicas of tables.

Views are built using the columns from one or more tables. The Single Table View can be updated but the view with multi table cannot be updated.

A View can be updated/deleted/inserted if it has only one base table if the view is based on columns from one or more tables then insert, update and delete is not possible.

Materialized view
A pre-computed table comprising aggregated or joined data from fact and possibly dimension tables. Also known as a summary or aggregate table.

10 :: Tell me can we override a native sql query within Informatica? Where do we do it? How do we do it?

Yes,we can override a native sql query in source qualifier and lookup transformation.

In lookup transformation we can find "Sql override" in lookup using this option we can do this.
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