Dietary Aide Interview Preparation Guide

Dietary Aide based Frequently Asked Questions in various Dietary Aide job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting
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30 Dietary Aide Questions and Answers:

2 :: Tell us what aspect of this position makes you the most uncomfortable?

Most people think this is some sort of filter, but it’s rarely used that way. This is actually an honesty question. No one on earth will like every aspect of every potential job – it’s just not in us. Location? Working hours? People? The company’s too big? The company’s too small? Honesty really works here – I’d prefer to hear a genuine reason for discomfort (particularly one that comes from real observation of the company) than a platitude that isn’t really a discomfort at all. A good way to answer is something like “I’ve never worked in a company this large before” or “I’ve heard some strange things about the corporate culture” or “The idea of working for a startup at such an early stage makes me nervous.”

3 :: Tell us have you done anything in the last year to learn new things/improve yourself in relation to the requirements of this job?

This is a great “deer in the headlights look” question, as most people simply don’t have an answer. The best way to handle this question is simply to always spend some time working on your skills in whatever way you can. Write open source code. Participate in Toastmasters. Take a class. If you put effort into improving yourself every year, you’ll not only have a strong resume, but this question will be a non-issue.

4 :: Tell me what qualities should a food service manager have?

Food Service Manager should have good Leadership skills, Team Management Skills, Should be a Role model to other employees of food service department. FSM should have.

5 :: Explain me do Calcium Supplements Interfere With Medications?

Calcium does interact with several medication in different ways like antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, etc. It will have an effect on the absorption process of medication or vice versa. It is always advisable to take physician advice on its intake and at what duration you can have it.
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6 :: Tell us have you ever had a serious conflict in a previous employment? How was it resolved?

This question mostly looks for honesty and for the realization that most conflicts have two sides to a story. It also opens the door for people with poor character to start bashing their previous employer, something which leaves a bad taste in most interviewers’ mouths. The best way to answer usually involves telling the story, but showing within it that there are two sides to that story and that you’ve learned from the experience to try to see the other person’s perspective.

7 :: Explain me what was the biggest success you had at your last job?
Explain me what was the biggest failure you had at your last job?

It’s usually good to pair these questions, but the important one is the biggest failure. The best applicant is usually someone who will admit that they made a disaster out of something (they’re fairly honest and willing to admit errors) and that they learned from it, an incredibly important trait.

8 :: Tell me are you familiar with any menu planning systems and if so please describe?

I am familiar with any menu planning systems. When I took a Sport and Nutrition Class, my teammates and I was assigned to come up with a diet plan for our imaginary young wrestler. I learned to used cengage program to input the food and drink intake in order to calculate it's macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients, and other nutrition values. I also, did my own 3-days diet analysis; where I try to maintain my daily calories including my daily movements.

9 :: Can you explain me about the most difficult project you ever faced?

The interviewer could usually care less what the exact project is. The question is mostly looking to see if you have faced serious difficulty and how you overcame it. For most people, this isn’t their biggest success or biggest failure, but something that they turned from a likely failure into some sort of success.