Conflict Resolution Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your Conflict Resolution interview skills with our 17 critical questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Conflict Resolution. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF to have all 17 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure youre interview-ready.
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17 Conflict Resolution Questions and Answers:

1 :: How do you cope with conflict in the workplace?

I'm proactive. In other words, I monitor situations closely to prevent minor problems from escalating into major ones. In most cases, minor problems can be resolved by simply meeting individually with affected parties. It's not a good idea to ignore a problem in hopes that it will resolve itself. Some managers avoid confrontation, which often results in bigger problems that are more difficult to handle. Effective leaders are aware of many factors, including jealously, individual differences, and other issues that create conflicts among employees. Therefore, effective managers must meet individually with feuding employees and suggest workable solutions.
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2 :: Tell me are there any times where you had a conflict with a superior? If yes, how did you handle it and resolve it?

I have had differences of opinion with previous managers. Our disagreements were not significant, but some had to be confronted and resolved. I have learned that two parties typically quarrel when each one refuses to consider the other's perspective. Therefore, I asked the manager I disagreed with to explain his or her perspective, and then to consider my point of view. This way, we were able to take into account each other's perspective and come to an agreeable compromise. When a compromise could not be reached, I accepted my manager's decision. Regardless of individual perspectives, managers are responsible for setting policy, and subordinates are responsible for executing it.

3 :: Give an example where you had to settle a conflict between two individuals?

At a previous job, I was responsible for resolving a conflict between two team members who could no longer work effectively together. Their relationship began affecting the productivity of other employees, as well as their team. The first thing I did was separate them to calm the situation. I then proceeded to meet together with both parties to discuss the problem in a calm and controlled setting. I assumed control of the discussion since emotions frequently trump reason during disputes between two people and made it clear that a compromise must be reached. One of my main objectives during the meeting was to understand the perspectives of both parties without siding with either one. At first, this was difficult since each party presented their arguments without considering other perspectives.
To counter this, I made it clear to each party that changes must be made since the status quo was unworkable. Shortly thereafter, we agreed to a workable solution. Before concluding the meeting, I emphasized that during future disagreements each party must act considerately and professionally, and avoid getting emotional. After our meeting, work resumed as normal and the overall work atmosphere became more pleasant.

4 :: How you deal with contentious issues by following company policy when they arise between you and colleagues?

Let interviewers know you will take the company's lead in addressing conflict by following protocols outlined by the business and its human resources department. Many companies have guidelines for handling conflict resolution including dispute mediation or counseling. State that you would use your best judgment in analyzing the conflict and applying the company's best practices to resolve it.
Example: I strive to educate myself about the conflict resolution guidelines established by the company and to abide by the outlined directives.

5 :: How you deal calmly with contentious issues when they arise between you and colleagues?

Regardless of the type of conflict in question, a key to successful resolution is remaining calm, working to diffuse tension and come up with an equitable solution to the issue at hand. Emphasize your ability to behave rationally, not to let issues escalate and to strive to work with, not against, the individual or situation creating the conflict.
Example: I find that by remaining clam, not raising my voice and not allowing the situation to escalate, I can work rationally and reasonably with the other party to listen to one another, debate the issue and resolve our differences in a mutually-acceptable manner.
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6 :: How you deal with contentious issues with respect and professionalism when they arise between you and colleagues or managers?

Employers understand that disagreements happen in the workplace. During an interview, make it clear that regardless of the circumstances, you approach all forms of conflict with respect and professionalism. Explain how you avoid being dragged into a dispute or being baited into a continuing argument. Example: "When tempers become heated, I step back, take a breath and get perspective. Depending on the issue, I may ask the other party to table the disagreement while we both consider equitable solutions, or consult a supervisor in private for clarification and guidance.

7 :: How you deal with contentious issues when they arise between you and Customers?

While a conflict between employees can create frustration in the workplace, a conflict between an employee and a customer can result in lost business. Assure interviewers that when dealing with a conflict with a customer, you strive to represent the company with professionalism and dignity, all with a goal of resolving the customer's complaint in a fair and expedient manner. Example: If I am in the wrong, I will take responsibility, apologize and make amends. If the custom is in the wrong, I will gently explain the company's position, apologize for the miscommunication or misunderstanding, and let the customer know his or her ongoing business is appreciated.

8 :: Talk about a situation where some of your team members disagreed with your ideas or approach. How did you handle the situation?

Classic conflict resolution question. Focus on how you empathized with the positions of those who disagreed with you and how you sought common ground between your ideas. Talk about influencing by providing data, clearly articulating your position and having a solid understanding of their position.

9 :: Have you faced a situation where you had to work with someone who didn't like you? How did you handle it?

Focus on how you emphasized professionalism versus personal likes or dislikes. Talk about how you clearly established a professional operating environment that produced results, without necessarily having a personal relationship.

10 :: Describe a situation when you got co-workers who dislike each other to work together constructively?

Describe how you took time to empathize with how each team member was feeling and why, then talk about the steps you took to find common ground in the group. I.e. Praising positive teaming behavior, discouraging negative teaming behavior. Dividing the task up into parts that each team member could take on etc.
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