Computer Basics Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Computer Basics interview with our extensive list of 25 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Computer Basics to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 25 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Computer Basics interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

25 Computer Basics Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is the difference between Save and Save As?

Use SAVE when you are revising an existing document.
Use SAVE AS when you are creating a new document from scratch or an existing document. This will keep the original document untouched in its original format and create a new document with a new name.
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2 :: How can we find out basic information about our computer?

We can get the basic information about our computer by following below steps.

► Right Click at my computer icon.
► Click Properties.
► General tab will show the processor and ram information
► And Hardware Tab >> Device Manger will show the entire hardware resources attached with you computer

3 :: How can I add or change the choices available in the Send To box?

Click *Start*, Click *Run*

In the text box, enter *SendTo* (without the quotes and no space between the words).

Click OK.....the *Send To* window will open, In the *Send To* window,

Click *File*, Click *New*, Click *Shortcut*,

Click *Browse* to find folder you want to add to the *Send To* list

Click it and then click *OK*, Click *Next*, Click "Finish*

4 :: How do We "add" a sound to the Caps Lock key so We can hear when We accidentally hit it?

To add a sound to the Caps Lock key, go into Control Panel and double click (or single click in XP) Accessibility Options. Select the Keyboard tab. Check Use ToggleKeys. Click OK. This will also set sounds for Num Lock and Scroll Lock.

5 :: How do I set the time for how long my screen saver stays on to forever?

Here's what to do:

1) Go into Control Panel and click on the Display icon.

2) In Display Properties, click on the Screen saver tab.

3) In the Screen saver tab, click the Power button in the lower right-hand corner.

4) Set "Turn off monitor", "System standby" and "System hibernates" to Never.

5) Click Ok twice to complete the process.

Your screen saver should now run indefinitely.
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6 :: What is the difference between an Intel Celeron and Pentium processor?

The reason for the Celerons existence owes to the advent of an AMD processor called the K6. AMD brought out a low priced alternative to the Pentium, and Intel, instead of drastically reducing their pricing on their "meat and potatoes" processor to meet that of the lower priced K6 (and eventually, the Athlon), introduced a "crippled" version of the Pentium, and called it the Celeron. (In response, AMD came back with an even lower priced processor of appalling performance called Duron, but that is another story)

Processors are commonly classified by their "Core" speed -- ergo, a 933 MHz Pentium III processor has a core speed of 933 MHz. There are however other significant features that are "classifiable" within a processor -- namely "bus" or "memory access" speed, and onboard "Cache" size (and speed). The Bus speed is the speed at which the processor fetches data from memory, and places it in the onboard Cache, and also represents the speed at which it communicates with its peripheral chipset. While each processor model operates at its own "native" Core speed, the bus speeds vary according to the motherboard (peripheral) Chipsets and memory with which they are designed to work. Likewise the cache size will vary from implementation to implementation. This distinction will become significant in as we move on.

7 :: How do we change the number of mouse clicks to open items?

To change the number of mouse clicks required to open items

1. Open Folder Options in Control Panel.

a.. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

b.. Double-click Folder Options.

2. On the General tab, under Click items as follows, click the option you want.

8 :: What does OEM mean?

It means Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM means in the automotive industry, this refers to a manufacturer of vehicles that provides the original product design and materials for its assembly and manufacture.

9 :: How can we get Detailed System Information about our computer?

Sometimes, despite all efforts, it seems impossible to find a particular piece of information about your computer. This is especially frustrating when you're attempting to resolve a problem, and a support technician asks you to provide a simple piece of data. Wouldn't life be a little easier if information about your operating system, hardware resources and components, and software settings was all in one place? Microsoft System Information, which is included with almost all Windows systems, may be just what you need. To check out Microsoft System Information:
1. Go to Start > Run
2. Type "msinfo32" into the Open field
3. Click "OK"
Note: If "msinfo32" doesn't work, try "msinfo".

10 :: What is the "correct" way to remove a program from our computer?

The best way is to go to Control Panel/Add remove programs. Find the program you wish to remove, click on it and follow the on screen directions. If the program is not there you can check to see if there is an uninstall option when you go to the Program itself or in the start menu options for that program. As a last resort, you can move the program folder to the recycle bin but this will not totally remove it and may cause problems. Leave it on the computer if space allows.
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