ColdFusion Interview Preparation Guide

Elevate your ColdFusion interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 24 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in ColdFusion to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Dont miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 24 questions to help you succeed in your ColdFusion interview. Its an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

24 ColdFusion Questions and Answers:

1 :: Difference between Cold fusion MX 6 and Cold fusion MX 7?

Windows authentication introduced thorough "cfntauthenticate" tag
cfcompile utility introduced which used for Sourceless deployment
Administrator API: Change ColdFusion settings programmatically, without logging into the CF Administrator.
Gateways: SMS, IM (based on Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) gateways introduced
Flash forms , Skinnable XML forms introduced
New report builder introduced
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2 :: What is Application.cfm?

When ColdFusion receives a request for an application page, it searches the page's directory for a file named Application.cfm. If one exists, the Application.cfm code is logically included at the beginning of that application page.
If your application runs on a UNIX platform, which is case-sensitive, you must spell Application.cfm with an initial capital letter.

3 :: Can we have multiple Application.cfm file in an Application?

Yes. If the application page directory does not have an Application.cfm page, ColdFusion searches up the directory tree until it finds an Application.cfm page. If several directories in the directory tree have an Application.cfm page, ColdFusion uses the first page it finds. If the Application.cfm page is present in the directory tree (and has the required permissions set), you cannot prevent ColdFusion from including it.
ColdFusion processes only one Application.cfm page for each request. If a ColdFusion page has a cfinclude tag pointing to an additional ColdFusion page, ColdFusion does not search for an Application.cfm page when it includes the additional page.

4 :: What is the difference between absolute and relative div positioning?

Absolute is from the absolute 0,0 position in the top left corner of the browser window. Relative is relative from the positioning of where the div is declared within the html body.

5 :: How would you declare an inline css to format the table with a background color of yellow and give the table cell a right margin of 10 pixels?

table {
background-color: yellow;
td {
margin: 0 10px 0 0;

<td>Hello world</td>
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6 :: How would you format some text using css to be verdana and bold?

.myfontclass {
font-family: Verdana;
font-weight: bold;

7 :: What is the working process for Application.cfm?

Yes. If the application page directory does not have an Application.cfm page, ColdFusion searches up the directory tree until it finds an Application.cfm page. If several directories in the directory tree have an Application.cfm page, ColdFusion uses the first page it finds. If the Application.cfm page is present in the directory tree (and has the required permissions set), you cannot prevent ColdFusion from including it.
ColdFusion processes only one Application.cfm page for each request. If a ColdFusion page has a cfinclude tag pointing to an additional ColdFusion page, ColdFusion does not search for an Application.cfm page when it includes the additional page.

8 :: What is cfapplication tag?

It defines the scope of a ColdFusion application; enables and disables storage of Client variables; specifies the Client variable storage mechanism; enables Session variables; and sets Application variable time-outs.

9 :: How can you set the Client Management?

We can enable & disable client management as well as we can configure How & Where client variables need to be store
1. In the Application.cfc initialization code
This.clientmanagement="True" / "false"
This.clientStorage="[Ur_datasource_name]" / "registry" / "cookie"
2. In appliation.cfm using <cfappliaction> tag attributes
clientManagement="yes" / "no"
clientStorage="[Ur_datasource_name]" / "registry" / "cookie"
[Ur_datasource_name] - Stored in ODBC or native data source. You must create storage repository in the Administrator.
registry - Stored in the system registry.
cookie - Stored on client computer in a cookie. Scalable. If client disables cookies in the browser, client variables do not work.

10 :: How can you set the Session Management?

Same as client management description in previous question sessionmanagement variable available, we can use that variable.
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