Coding Standards/conventions Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Coding Standards interview with our extensive list of 26 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Coding Standards interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Secure the free PDF to access all 26 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Coding Standards interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
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26 Coding Standards Questions and Answers:

1 :: Explain Rational Robots Coding Standards?

The standards are for all testers using the IDE of Rational Robot to develop their automated test scripts.

The mission is to reduce maintenance costs when it comes to changes. This is done by setting up rules on how to name variables, functions, scripts and libraries, where to place them and when to use them.

The standards do not provide any information about the use of frameworks, best practices, Rational Robot settings and version control. These are all provided in separated documents.
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2 :: Explain Naming Convention in Local scope variables?

Variables represent values that can be changed within a procedure or function. Local scope variables are placeholders that reside within a function- or a script-body.

[Prefix] is a lowercase letter (either "n", s", "str", "d" or "t" appropriate to the type it represents)
[ShortDescription] is a corresponding name of what the variable stands for.
If [ShortDescription] consists of more then one word they are all separated using a capital letter for each new word.

3 :: Explain Naming Convention in Module-level variables (member-vars)?

If variables are placed outside a function body their scope will be different from a local scope variable, therefore we flag those variables with a prefix "m_" that is very common in object oriented languages even though SQABasic is not an object oriented programming language.

"m_" + [Prefix]+[ShortDescription]

[Prefix] is a lowercase letter (either "n", s", "str", "d" or "t" appropriate to the type it represents) [ShortDescription] is a corresponding name of what the variable stands for. If [ShortDescription] consists of more then one word these are all separated using a capital letter for each new word.

· m_nCountDatabaseRecords
· m_strLastname
· m_sPassword

4 :: Explain Naming Convention in Arrays?

Arrays in many programming-languages usually represent a fixed list of values (e.g. a list of lastnames). However within SQABasic the size for an array can either be fixed or grow if the number of items in the list is not known during compilation of the source code.

"a" + [Prefix]+[ShortDescription]

Letter “a” indicates that the variable is of type array. [Prefix] is a lowercase letter that represents the type of variables in the array. The rules for [Prefix] are the same as for “Local scope variables”.

· asPersonList
· anNumberList

5 :: Explain Naming Convention Globals?

The values of global variables can be used and changed all over the project within all scripts and libraries. Though it is highly recommended to keep the number of global variables small. If global variables tend to be used in a specific project only it is advisable to keep those values in either a project specific library header or in a separate configuration file.

"g" + [Prefix]+[ShortDescription]

Letter “g” indicates that the scope of the variable is global. [Prefix] is a lowercase letter that represents the type of the global variable. The rules for [Prefix] are the same as for “Local scope variables”.

· gnNumOfPersons
· gsPersonLastname
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6 :: Explain Naming Convention Constants?

Constants are “variables” that cannot be changed within a function- or script-body. The value will always be the same during script-execution.


If the constant name consists of more than one word those will be separated using an underscore.


7 :: Explain Naming Convention Functions?

Functions abstract a sequence of SQABasic code statemens in either a script-file (.REC) or a library-file (.SBL) and cover them with a reasonable name that is explanatory to others.

[SOURCE]+"_"+[PerformedAction]+[Parameterlist]+" As " + [ReturnValue]

[SOURCE] is an abbr. of the library name it is implemented at. [PerformedAction] consists of two words, an action(verb) and an object the action is performed against. [Parameterlist] is a sequence of placeholders the function is feeded with. [ReturnValue] is the value returned by the function

· UTIL_CountItemInString(sHaystrack$, sNeedle$) As Integer
· SERVICE_Start(sServiceName$) As Integer
· SERVICE_StopAllServices() As Integer

The function name must always correspond to what the function is actually doing. That is the script developer knows what the function is doing without the need to dig any deeper into its implementation. If the function name is called "NaviagteTo("a-web-link") it is expected that the function does only navigate to that specific web-link and not doing additional actions that is deletion and/or creation of any records in the DBMS.

8 :: Explain Naming Convention Scripts?

A script within Rational Robot is a file that contains a sequence of SQABasic code. The extension of the file is always “.REC”.

[FEATURE] + "_" + [FUNCTION] + "_" + {optional}

[FEATURE] is a capital letter string denoting the feature name [FUNCTION] is a capital letter string denoting the function {optional} means that the remaining characters preceded by an underscore will be optional and left to each person to define a sensible name which clearly identifies each of the test scripts

Example · BILL_REP_Outputformat (refers to script Billing feature with report function)
· PART_INS_Assesor
· PART_UPD_Assessor

9 :: Explain Naming Convention Libraries?

Common used functions are placed in libraries. These are located in the SQABas32 subdirectory of the Robot working directory. A library is divided into three files, a header (.SBH), an implementation file (.SBL) and the compiled version (.SBX). Libraries are not necessarily bound to an AUT or feature.

Syntax for implementation file

Syntax for header file

· axCommonUtilities.sbl
· axDBAccess.sbh
· axGuiMapper.sbl

10 :: Explain Naming Convention Verification points?

In functional testing, you need to verify that the objects in the application-under-test look and work as designed from build to build. To accomplish this, you can establish verification points also known as checkpoints or the objects. Because verification points are not very flexible when it comes to changes in the AUT it is wise to prefer Robot's
SQAGetProperty...- commands to verify whether expected behavior is met or not.


· vpAURA_ImageUploaded
· vpAURA_CaseInserted
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