Cloud Computing Architecture Interview Preparation Guide

Optimize your Cloud Computing Architecture interview preparation with our curated set of 32 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Cloud Computing Architecture to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF to have all 32 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure youre interview-ready.

32 Cloud Computing Architecture Questions and Answers:

1 :: Can you please explain the difference between vertical scale up and Horizontal scale out?

Vertical scale up provides more resources to a single computational unit, whereas horizontal scale out provides additional computational unit and run them in parallel.
Vertical scale up provides a provision to move a workload to other system that doesn’t have workload, whereas horizontal scale out split the workload among various computational units.
Vertical scale up doesn’t have a database partitioning concept, whereas horizontal scale out provides the database partitioning.
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2 :: Tell me how does cloud architecture provide performance transparency and automation?

There are lots of tools that are being used by the cloud architecture to provide the performance transparency and automation. The tools allow the user to monitor report and manage the cloud architecture. It also allows them to share the applications using the cloud architecture. Automation is the key component of cloud architecture as it provides the services to increase the degree of the quality. It brings the capacity on demand and allows the requirements of the user to be met.

3 :: Explain what is the use of defining cloud architecture?

Cloud architecture is a software application that uses on demand services and access pool of resources from the cloud. Cloud architecture act as a platform on which the applications are built. It provides the complete computing infrastructure and provides the resources only when it is required. It is used to elastically scale up or down the resources according to the job that is being performed.

4 :: Tell me how does cloud architecture overcome the difficulties faced by traditional architecture?

Cloud architecture provide large pool of dynamic resources that can be accessed any time whenever there is a requirement, which is not being given by the traditional architecture. In traditional architecture it is not possible to dynamically associate a machine with the rising demand of infrastructure and the services. Cloud architecture provides scalable properties to meet the high demand of infrastructure and provide on-demand access to the user.

5 :: What are the three differences that separate out cloud architecture from the tradition one?

The three differences that make cloud architecture in demand are:
1. Cloud architecture provides the hardware requirement according to the demand. It can run the processes when there is a requirement for it.
2. Cloud architecture is capable of scaling the resources on demand. As, the demand rises it can provide infrastructure and the services to the users.
3. Cloud architecture can manage and handle dynamic workloads without failure. It can recover a machine from failure and always keep the load to a particular machine to minimum.
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6 :: What are the advantages of cloud architecture?

Cloud architecture uses simple APIs to provide easily accessible services to the user through the internet medium.
It provides scale on demand feature to increase the industrial strength.
It provides the transparency between the machines so that users don’t have to worry about their data. Users can just perform the functionality without even knowing the complex logics implemented in cloud architecture.
It provides highest optimization and utilization in the cloud platform

7 :: What is the business benefits involved in cloud architecture?

1. Zero infrastructure investment:
Cloud architecture provide user to build large scale system with full hardware, machines, routers, backup and other components. So, it reduces the startup cost of the business.

2. Just-in-time Infrastructure: It is very important to scale the infrastructure as the demand rises. This can be done by taking cloud architecture and developing the application in the cloud with dynamic capacity management.

3. More efficient resource utilization: Cloud architecture provides users to use their hardware and resource more efficiently and utilize it in a better way. This can be done only by applications request and relinquish resources only when it is needed (on-demand).

8 :: Explain how does the Quality of service is being maintained in the cloud architecture?

Cloud architecture mainly focuses on quality of service. It is a layer that manages and secures the transmission of the resources that is being acquired by on-demand access. Quality of service is being maintained such that it increases the performance, automated management, and support services. Cloud architecture provides easy to use methods and proper ways to ensure the quality of service. It is represented by a common cloud management platform that delivers many cloud services based on the same foundation.

9 :: Tell me what are the different roles defined by cloud architecture?

Cloud architecture defines three roles:
Cloud service consumer: it is used to provide different services to the consumer on demand.
Cloud service provider: here provider provides the services to meet the requirements of the user by monitoring the traffic and demands that are coming.
Cloud service Creator: here creator is used to create the services and provide the infrastructure to the user to use and give the access to the resources.

The roles that are being defined can be performed by one person or it can be performed by many people together. There can be more roles defined depending on the cloud architecture and the complexity with which it will scale.

10 :: Explain what are the major building blocks of cloud architecture?

The major building blocks of cloud architecture are:
1. Reference architecture: it is used for documentation, communication, designing and defining various types of models
2. Technical Architecture: defines the structured stack, structure the cloud services and its components, show the relationship that exist between different components, management and security
3. Deployment Operation Architecture: it is used to operate and monitor the processes and the services.
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