Bug Defect Tracking Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Bug Defect Tracking interview with our extensive list of 25 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Bug Defect Tracking. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Get the free PDF download to access all 25 questions and excel in your Bug Defect Tracking interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
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25 Bug Defect Tracking Questions and Answers:

1 :: How to write good bug tracking report?

1. Title should be clear:

A good title is a must, which the essence of the bug report be well grasped by the developer.

2. One but per report:

A bug report should have only one bug and not more or no less. In case more bugs are placed, some of the bugs may be overlooked.

3. Minimum, quantifiable steps to reproduce the problem:

This is a very important tip. Developers need to get the problem in the shortest possible time. So the tester needs to help them for doing just that task. Testers need to have few rounds of testing and be able to produce the problems using minimum steps.

4. Expected and observed results:

A bug report should always contain the expected and the observed result. The developer does not think that the bug is a real bug. Testers should take the responsibility to explain the developers that went wrong.

5. The build that the problem occurs:

It is common the daily builds. If the exact problematic build is not specified by the tester, it is hard for developers to resolve an already-solved problem.

6. Pictures:

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’! Certain times, the words do not flow. If such situations, it is better to have a clear picture that perfectly illustrates the problem.
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2 :: How to Create Small Tasks?

When the number of tasks is large, it is hard to track the bugs. The tasks grow when they are shared among members of the team without much intention. The tasks should be small and not include multiple tasks in them. The larger tasks should split into smaller tasks, which helps the team members to review them easily.

3 :: Explain group tasks?

Categorize the similar tasks into groups. The tasks can be easily tracked and it is easier for finding them for each member of the team. It is wise to separate the tasks by type.

4 :: How to draft the reproducing steps?

Write down certain steps to reproduce bugs for developers, and avoid the steps which are large in number. Have smaller number of steps which is easier for identifying a but for a developer.

5 :: Explain task flow?

The tasks must always revert to the person who created it or required for reviewing it. If it is a bug, it should be reverted to the tester. The tester can close the bug, since he/she is the one who saw the bug first and can be sure for fixing it. A task should ‘never’ be closed by another person other than the one who created it.
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6 :: What is less means more?

Try to hide the tasks which are currently not having priority. Focusing on the important tasks, get the team to overview better.

7 :: Explain Bug Tracking?

If any bug found is confusing, it should be discussed with the developer.
The bugs should follow a proper cycle until closed.
If any bug closed by developer is not fixed, it should be reopened.
Never assume while tracking a bug.

8 :: Can you please explain the difference between New and Open bug?

New: In finding an issue in testing, all relevant checks are performed, like whether is was occurring in the previous release. If the issue is so, reopening the bug and creating new defect is done by changing the status of that defect to ‘new’.

Open: When a new bug is opened, development or project manager revises it, followed by assigning the task to the developer, and changes the status from ‘new’ to ‘open’.

9 :: Can you please explain the different types of Bugs?

The different bugs are:

1. Show-stopper / critical bugs: The core dumps, products abnormally shuts down and no work around will be found out, like OS automatic freezing.

2. Major Bugs: The work around is found, but the implementation can be done, like performance degradency.

3. Medium Bugs: These bugs include database errors, link errors, low response time

4. Low/minor Bugs: These bugs are typos, simple GUI errors.

10 :: Tell me how to write good bug tracking report?

A small and a comprehensive task description should be written for the developers to understand.
Steps to reproduce the step should be written.
Tasks with similar categories should be grouped.
The bugs should be prioritized on the basis of impact.
The module where the bug was found should be mentioned.
Depending on the nature of the bug, it can be supported by screen shots.
Expected results must always be written.
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